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First posted on 24 May 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan:Java/Selace.R is also known as Trojan horse Java/Downloader.L (AVG).

Explanation :

Trojan:Java/Selace.R is a detection for malicious code that is bundled with Exploit:Java/CVE-2008-5353.H in a Java applet.

Trojan:Java/Selace.R is a detection for malicious code that is bundled with Exploit:Java/CVE-2008-5353.H in a Java applet. Trojan:Java/Selace.R attempts to download and install malware on the infected computer. The location where the malware is to be downloaded from is supplied as the applet's arguments. The downloaded files are stored in the Windows Temporary Files folder with the following file name format: <random_number>.exe

Analysis by Marian Radu

Last update 24 May 2010