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First posted on 12 January 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan:Java/Selace.M is also known as Trojan-Downloader.Java.Agent.ah (Kaspersky).

Explanation :

Trojan:Java/Selace.M is a detection of a malicious Java class that utilizes Exploit:Java/CVE-2008-5353.C to execute code with full privileges.

Trojan:Java/Selace.M is a detection of a malicious Java class that utilizes Exploit:Java/CVE-2008-5353.C to execute code with full privileges. Trojan:Java/Selace.M may be loaded when a user visits a web page that contains the malicious Java applet. Trojan:Java/Selace.M loads Exploit:Java/CVE-2008-5353.C to make itself run with full privileges. Trojan:Java/Selace.M downloads and loads additional files from a remote server to the infected machine.

Analysis by Shawn Wang

Last update 12 January 2010