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First posted on 18 August 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan:Java/Selace.Y is also known as Java.Downloader.32 (Dr.Web), Java/TrojanDownloader.Agent.NAL (ESET), Troj/ClsLdr-AG (Sophos).

Explanation :

Trojan:Java/Selace.Y is the detection for a Java class that downloads and executes an arbitrary file. It is commonly a component of malware that exploit the vulnerability discussed in CVE-2008-5353. The file it downloads is usually written into the following:

  • %Temp%\svchost.exe
  • Note that a legitimate file exists with the name "svchost.exe" and is located by default in the Windows system folder.

    Analysis by Dan Kurc

    Last update 18 August 2010

