Home / malware Backdoor:Win32/Tilkikaan.A
First posted on 10 December 2013.
Source: MicrosoftAliases :
There are no other names known for Backdoor:Win32/Tilkikaan.A.
Explanation :
Threat behavior Backdoor:Win32/Tilkikaan.A is a trojan that allows unauthorized access and control of an affected computer.
When it runs, Backdoor:Win32/Tilkikaan.A copies itself to c:\documents and settings\administrator\application data\microsoft\systenn.exe.
Allows backdoor access and control
Backdoor:Win32/Tilkikaan.A allows unauthorized access and control of your PC. A hacker can perform a number of different actions, including:
- Downloading and runnning files
- Uploading files
- Spreading to other computers
- Logging your keystrokes or stealing your sensitive data
- Modifying your system settings
- Running or terminating applications
- Deleting files
This malware description was produced and published using our automated analysis system's examination of file SHA1 bf4857e3ccbefbcc8215dc5e76731a11fa7daedc.Symptoms
System changes
The following could indicate that you have this threat on your PC:
c:\documents and settings\administrator\application data\microsoft\systenn.exe
- The presence of the following files:
Last update 10 December 2013