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First posted on 05 August 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Backdoor:W32/Pushbot.gen!A is also known as W32/Sdbot.worm (McAfee), W32.IRCBot (Symantec), Worm:Win32/Pushbot (Microsoft).

Explanation :

A remote administration utility which bypasses normal security mechanisms to secretly control a program, computer or network.

Additional DetailsPushbot is a backdoor program that can be operated through IRC. The backdoor is usually sized around 28-55KB.

Pushbot is able to propagate through multiple vectors:

  • Removable media such as USB thumb drives   • Instant Messaging (IM) networks such as AIM, MSN, ICQ and Triton   • Network shares   • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks such as Edonkey2000, Morpheus, KAZAA, LimeWire, BearShare and Grokster (via the application's shared folders)


During installation, the backdoor program creates a copy of itself in:

  • %windir%service.exe

Upon execution, Pushbot displays the following:

While active, the program has the following functionalities:

  • Perform SYN Floods   • Perform Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks   • View MSN, AIM and Triton Threads   • Propagate via AIM, MSN and Triton   • Download files   • Update itself   • Steal passwords from Protected Storage   • View processes   • Create processes   • Visit user defined websites   • Perform shell executions
The backdoor program is also able to detect applications or services such as VMware, Nepenthes, sandboxes and honeypots


The backdoor program creates the following Registry key in order to automatically execute its copy in the Windows directory:

  • SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunWindows Services = "service.exe"
It also creates the following Autorun.inf to facilitate its propagation on removable media such as USB thumb drives:

  • [autorun]
action=Open folder to view files

Last update 05 August 2009