Home / malware PWS:Win32/Dexter.B
First posted on 01 November 2013.
Source: MicrosoftAliases :
There are no other names known for PWS:Win32/Dexter.B.
Explanation :
Threat behavior
When run, this threat drops a copy of itself as the file:
%APPDATA% \<random folder>\<random file name>
Some examples are:
- %APPDATA% \acxod\acxod.exe
- %APPDATA% \fbebr\fbebr.exe
This threat also does the following registry changes so that its copy automatically runs every time Windows starts or you log in:
In subkeys:
Sets value: "<GUID>" (for example, "33b6f3e0-78c3-4424-ad78-380bc05df421" or "7bf4c70e-c9b6-4e1a-b4ee-039529fc8e35"
With data: "%APPDATA%\<random folder>\<random file name>"
It also creates this entry as part of its installation routine:
In subkey: HKCU\Software\Resilience Software
Sets value: "Digit"
With data: "<GUID>", for example, "33b6f3e0-78c3-4424-ad78-380bc05df421"
Changes settings for high-risk file types
This threat sets EXE, BAT, REG, and VBS files, which are normally high-risk file types (malware often has one of these extensions), to low-risk file types:
In subkey: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Associations
Sets value: "LowRiskFileTypes"
With data: ".exe;.bat;.reg;.vbs;"
Steals credit card information
This threat steals the following information from Internet Explorer:
- Track data (which is related to credit card data when you make online transactions)
- Computer name for the PC
- What version of Windows you have on your PC
- What type of processor you have for your PC
- What processes are currently running
It then sends this information to a hacker.
A hacker can also command this threat to do the following:
- Update the threat version on your PC
- Change the time delay between connecting to the hacker to send the stolen info
- Change the time delay between searching your PC for sensitive data
- Uninstall itself
- Download and run files, which might be other threats
We've observed this threat to connect to the following servers to send the stolen data:
- the server at
- 11e2540739d7fbea1ab8f9aa7a107648.com
- 7186343a80c6fa32811804d23765cda4.com
- e7dce8e4671f8f03a040d08bb08ec07a.com
- e7bc2d0fceee1bdfd691a80c783173b4.com
- 815ad1c058df1b7ba9c0998e2aa8a7b4.com
- 67b3dba8bc6778101892eb77249db32e.com
- fabcaa97871555b68aa095335975e613.com
Analysis by Rex Plantado
The following could indicate that you have this threat on your PC:
- You see this key in your registry:
HKCU\Software\Resilience SoftwareLast update 01 November 2013