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First posted on 28 April 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan:Java/Classloader.T is also known as Exploit.OSX.Smid.c (Kaspersky), Java/ByteVerify!exploit (CA), Exploit.Java.10 (Dr.Web), OSX/Exploit.Smid.B (ESET), Troj/Clsldr-U (Sophos).

Explanation :

Trojan:Java/Classloader.T is the detection for a malicious Java applet that exploits the vulnerability described in CVE-2009-3867. The vulnerability is due to an error in the implementation of the HsbParser.getSoundBank function that can be exploited to result in a stack-based buffer overflow.

Trojan:Java/Classloader.T is the detection for a malicious Java applet that exploits the vulnerability described in CVE-2009-3867. The vulnerability is due to an error in the implementation of the HsbParser.getSoundBank function that can be exploited to result in a stack-based buffer overflow. When a user visits a Web site that contains the applet while on a computer with a vulnerable version of Sun Java, security checks may be bypassed, allowing arbitrary code to be run. When loaded, the applet determines what the operating system of the computer is. It then attempts to exploit the vulnerability by creating and running a file on the computer. Trojan:Java/Classloader.T may also be detected as Exploit:Java/CVE-2009-3867.

Analysis by Patrik Vicol

Last update 28 April 2010