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First posted on 17 February 2012.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

PWS:HTML/Phish.T is also known as PHISH/Paypal.AA (Avira), Mal/Phish-A (Sophos).

Explanation :

PWS:HTML/Phish.T is an HTML file that imitates the legitimate PayPal website to steal user account information.


PWS:HTML/Phish.T is an HTML file that imitates the legitimate PayPal website to steal user account information.

The fake PayPal website may appear similar to the following:

Because the page looks similar to the legitimate PayPal website, a user may unsuspectingly fill out all the information in the page. If "Save Profile" is clicked, the following user information is sent to a remote attacker:

  • Email address
  • Credit card information
  • PayPal password
  • Physical address
  • Social security number (SSN) if the user resides in the US

In the wild, the stolen information has been observed to be sent to the following URL:

  • yqrrhqmqkqqqpbqdrhhllpplhkqbqqab<removed>phlplhplshlpl.zuprionaskoliliasnoxikcmrnmn.ru

Analysis by Hyun Choi

Last update 17 February 2012