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First posted on 11 April 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Net-Worm:W32/Koobface.gen is also known as W32.Koobface (Symantec), Worm:Win32/Koobface (Microsoft), W32/Koobface.worm (McAfee).

Explanation :

A type of worm that replicates by sending complete, independent copies of itself over a social network. It uses social engineering techniques to assist its spread.

Additional DetailsNet-Worm:W32/Koobface.gen is generic detection of the Koobface Net-Worm.


Examples of generic detection names include:

• Net-Worm:W32/Koobface.gen!A

Koobface uses social networks to spread, such as Facebook, Hi5, Friendster, Myspace and so on.


For a representative example of Koobface with additional details, please see the follow description:

• Net-Worm:W32/Koobface.ES

Last update 11 April 2009