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First posted on 28 September 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Exploit:JS/Pdfka.TI.

Explanation :

A program or technique that takes advantage of a vulnerability to remotely access or attack a program, computer or server.

Additional DetailsExploit:JS/Pdfka.TI is an exploit that can take advantage of two vulnerabilities in a single PDF file in order to download malicious binary files (usually Trojan-Downloader:W32/Bredolab variants) onto the system.

The vulnerabilities exploited are:

  • Collab.collectEmailInfo() JavaScript Overflow (CVE-2007-5659)
  • Util.printf() JavaScript Overflow (CVE-2008-2992).
Adobe Reader and Acrobat versions 8.1.2 and earlier are affected by the vulnerabilities exploited by this malware.


Once the vulnerabilities are exploited, binary files are downloaded from:

  • http://[...]/welcome.php?id=5[...]
The downloaded files are saved in the Temporary directory using the following filenames:

  • pdfupd.exe   • crash.php
The files are then executed.

Last update 28 September 2009