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First posted on 31 July 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

HackTool:Win32/Wpakill.B is also known as RemoveWAT (other).

Explanation :

HackTool:Win32/Wpakill.B is the detection for a program that attempts to bypass the Windows Activation Technologies (WAT) in Windows 7.

HackTool:Win32/Wpakill.B is the detection for a program that attempts to bypass the Windows Activation Technologies (WAT) in Windows 7. When run, this program disables the following components by either terminating processes or by stopping services. HackTool:Win32/Wpakill.B may also modify several Windows files. Files affected by HackTool:Win32/Wpakill.B include the following:

  • SLUI.exe (Windows Activation Client)
  • Systemcpl.dll
  • slwga.dll (Software Licensing WGA API)
  • sppcomapi.dll (Software Licensing WGA API)
  • systemcpl.dll (Software Licensing Library)
  • user32.dll (patched Windows component)
  • WatWeb.dll
  • WatAdminSvc.exe
  • WatUX.exe
  • HackTool:Win32/Wpakill.B deletes the Windows service "WLMS". Win32/Wpakill.B also stops the service "Sppsvc" and disables it from automatically starting at Windows start. The malware disables the following scheduled tasks which are part of the anti-piracy Windows Activation Technologies update KB971033: \Microsoft\Windows\Windows Activation Technologies\ValidationTask
    \Microsoft\Windows\Windows Activation Technologies\ValidationTaskDeadline

    Analysis by Dan Nicolescu

    Last update 31 July 2010

