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First posted on 15 February 2019.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

Virus:Win32/Neshta.A is also known as W32/Bloat-A, Virus.Win32.Neshta.a, W32/HLLP.41472.e, W32/Neshta.A, W32.Neshuta, PE_NESHTA.A.

Explanation :

Installation This virus copies itself to %SystemRoot% as svchost.com. It modifies the system registry so that it is run every time an .exe file is opened:   In subkey: HKCRexefileshellopencommand
Sets value: "@"
With data: "%SystemRoot%svchost.com "%1" %*"   It updates %SystemRoot%directx.sys with the path of the last infected file to be run. Spreads Via... File Infection   This virus infects files by prepending its virus code to executable files. Payload Connects to remote server   We have seen this threat connect to the following remote server:   Server : link-on.tu1.ru
Script : /gate/gate.php   It uses POST to upload information gathered from the infected system, such as currently installed applications, running programs, and SMTP email accounts. The script file is currently detected as PWS:Win32/Ldpinch.gen!LogA.   Analysis by Jireh Sanico

Last update 15 February 2019