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First posted on 25 February 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan:WinNT/Alureon.C is also known as Also Known As:Trojan.TDss.AE (BitDefender).

Explanation :

Trojan:WinNT/Alureon.C is a generic detection for encrypted rootkit drivers that are used to hidden processes and the registry entry associated with it. For more information, please refer to the WinNT/Alureon description.

There are no common symptoms associated with this threat. Alert notifications from installed antivirus software may be the only symptom(s).

Trojan:WinNT/Alureon.C is a generic detection for encrypted rootkit drivers that are used to hidden processes and the registry entry associated with it. For more information, please refer to the WinNT/Alureon description.

Analysis by Francis Allan Tan Seng

Last update 25 February 2009