Home / malware TrojanDownloader:Win32/Nemim.gen!A
First posted on 15 April 2013.
Source: MicrosoftAliases :
There are no other names known for TrojanDownloader:Win32/Nemim.gen!A.
Explanation :
TrojanDownloader:Win32/Nemim.gen!A may arrive on your computer as the file name "igfxext.exe" that appears as part of a display graphics driver, in an effort to look inconspicuous.
Downloads and runs files
The trojan attempts to connect to one of the following URLs to download and run a file names "ctfmon.exe":
- auto24col.info/bin/read_i.php?a1= < data >
- autoban.phpnet.us/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data >
- autoban.phpnet.us/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autobrown.gofreeserve.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autochecker.myftp.biz/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autochecker.myftp.biz/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autoken.scienceontheweb.net/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- automobile.it.cx/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autopapa.noads.biz/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autopara.oliwy.net/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autoparts.phpnet.us/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autosail.ns01.biz/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autovonmanstein.x10.mx/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- autozone.000space.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- blonze.createandhost.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- gamepia008.my5gigs.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- gamepia008.my5gigs.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- goldblacktree.waldennetworks.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- gurunichi.createandhost.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- rainbowbbs.mywebcommunity.org/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- rootca.000space.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
- silverbell.000space.com/bin/read_i.php?a1=< data>
Note: <data> is the encrypted information the trojan steals, in Base64 encoded form. See the Steals information about your computer section below for more details.
Once downloaded, "ctfmon.exe" will be detected as either of the following:
- PWS:Win32/Nemim.A
- Virus:Win32/Nemim.gen!A
Steals information about your computer
TrojanDownloader:Win32/Nemim.gen!A has been observed stealing the following information about your computer:
- The version of Windows installed on your computer and service pack details
- Your computer's language settings
- Your computer's name
- The user name of the currently logged-in user
- The number of USB ports on your computer
Deletes files
When executed, it attempts to delete the following files in the directory where this malware is located in an effort to hide its presence; once deleted, these files will no longer be recoverable:
- automngr.exe
- ctfmon.exe
- dmaup1.exe
- dmaup2.exe
- dmaup3.exe
- dmaup4.exe
- rstimgr.dll
- rstimgr.inf
- smcnmgr.exe
- winmsgr.exe
Analysis by Jonathan San Jose
Last update 15 April 2013