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First posted on 01 March 2007.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

HacDef.Q is also known as Backdoor.Win32.HacDef.q.

Explanation :

We have received reports of a false positive regarding Backdoor.Win32.HacDef.q.

The file, usually named SRVANY.EXE, used to run applications as an NT service, is erroneously detected with virus signature database update 2006-12-13_03, 2006-12-13_02 and 2006-12-13_01.

Customers are advised to update their definition files to 2006-12-13_04 to fix this problem and if the false detection renamed any EXE (extension) files in the system, please rename them back to EXE and reboot to resolve any problems resulting from this.

We sincerely apologize for this error and any resulting inconvenience to our customers.

Last update 01 March 2007


