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First posted on 28 September 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Trojan-Downloader:W32/Fakerean.gen!A.

Explanation :

This type of trojan secretly downloads malicious files from a remote server, then installs and executes the files.

Additional DetailsTrojan-Downloader:W32/Fakerean.gen!A is a Generic Detection for malware that downloads and installs rogue antivirus programs onto the computer.

Once installed, the rogue antivirus program will display misleading or downright false warnings and/or scanning results, pressuring users into paying to "activate" the program, in order to remove/disinfect the supposed "threats". Even if the user pays for the "activation", the program may not function as intended.


During installation, the malware creates the following file:

  • %windir%ieocx.dll
Where %windir% represents the Windows Directory.

The following modules are then loaded into other processes:

  • %windir%ieocx.dll - Loaded into %windir%system32
egsvr32.exe (PID: 1760)   • %windir%ieocx.dll - Loaded into %programfiles%Internet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE (PID: 1120)

Last update 28 September 2009