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First posted on 21 March 2007.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Spacestalk.A.

Explanation :

Spacestalk.A searches for specific files or data on an infected computer and then sends this data to the attacker and steals certain information from the infected computer.

This Trojan-Spy script file may be downloaded to unsuspecting users via a QuickTime movie, which may be embedded on a webpage, that uses the feature HREF Tracks of QuickTime. This is an insecure feature that can specify movies from other links to automatically open simultaneously when the movie is run.

This script is being downloaded from this url:


The said script collects MySpace information from the user which includes the following:

These information will be sent to the tracking server at http://profileawareness.com.

However, the said downloaded script may change at some point depending on the script author's malicious intent.

Last update 21 March 2007



Malware :
