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First posted on 10 January 2012.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

Trojan:JS/Iframe.AC is also known as Trojan.JS.Iframe.yu (Kaspersky), JS/Exploit.MC (Norman), Trojan.JS.IFrame (Ikarus), Mal/Iframe-Y (Sophos), JS_IFRAME.SMDZ (Trend Micro).

Explanation :

Trojan:JS/Iframe.AC is a malicious JavaScript (JS) file that is embedded into malicious or compromised webpages, usually via SQL injection or through Blackhat search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning.


Trojan:JS/Iframe.AC is a malicious JavaScript (JS) file that is embedded into malicious or compromised webpages, usually via SQL injection or through Blackhat search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning.

If a user visits a website that contains this malicious JavaScript, it redirects them to another website that may further download other malware into the computer.

In the wild, a webpage that contains Trojan:JS/Iframe.AC may redirect to a URL in any of the following domains:

  • c<removed>.ms
  • c<removed>ickenkiller.com
  • d<removed>ns.info
  • i<removed>norelist.com
  • z<removed>ns.com
  • d<removed>ns.info
  • d<removed>s1.us
  • f<removed>eetcp.com
  • m<removed>ftp.org
  • z<removed>ns.com

Analysis by Ric Robielos

Last update 10 January 2012