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First posted on 07 July 2014.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Rogue:JS/FakeCall.A.

Explanation :

Threat behavior

Rogue:JS/FakeCall.A is a detection for webpages that show a message that claims your PC is infected with malware. The page recommends you phone a number to get technical support to help remove the malware.

These webpages have no ability to find malware and their claims are fabricated.

Below is an example of a webpage used by this threat.

When the page is first loaded the following dialog box is shown:

This is followed by the webpage:

Analysis by Hamish O'Dea


The following could indicate that you have this threat on your PC:

  • You see this dialog box:

  • You are directed to a webpage similar to this:

Last update 07 July 2014