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First posted on 06 October 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Virus:Win32/Murofet.A is also known as Trojan horse Downloader.Generic10.WCF (AVG), Trojan.Packed.196 (Dr.Web), Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Murofet (Ikarus), Generic.dx!ubo (McAfee), W32/Murofet-A (Sophos), Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt Software), Trojan.Fortemp!inf (Symantec).

Explanation :

Virus:Win32/Murofet.A is a detection for a virus that infects Windows executable files and attempts to download arbitrary files from various domains.

Virus:Win32/Murofet.A is a detection for a virus that infects Windows executable files and attempts to download arbitrary files from various domains. Spread via€¦ Infects files Virus:Win32/Murofet.A infects Windows Portable Executable (PE) files. The virus routine uses a cavity infection method to insert its code into free space between the first and second sections of the host file. Payload Downloads and executes arbitrary files Virus:Win32/Murofet.A infected files attempt to download an arbitrary file from a URL generated by the virus. The URL has a domain name that is generated based on the current system time. The URL has the following pattern: http://<generated_domain_name>/forum/ It uses one of the following top level domains:

  • .com
  • .biz
  • .org
  • .net
  • .info
  • In the wild, we have observed Virus:Win32/Murofet.A generating the following domains:
  • kzoildszuspuovoq.biz
  • fxkuintqxykyoq.net
  • shirquzmsjpdzmm.com
  • The virus generates 800 of these URLs, saving the downloaded file to the %TEMP% directory. At the time of writing, if the virus contacts a domain that is active, the file it downloads is detected as PWS:Win32/Zbot.gen!Y.

    Analysis by Amir Fouda

    Last update 06 October 2010

