Home / malware Backdoor:Win32/Bezigate.B
First posted on 18 September 2013.
Source: MicrosoftAliases :
There are no other names known for Backdoor:Win32/Bezigate.B.
Explanation :
Threat behavior
Backdoor:Win32/Bezigate.B drops drops and runs copies of itself in one of the following folders:
- %current directory%
- %windir%
as any of the following file names:
- 123.exe
- 456.exe
- microdbs.exe
- mscon.exe
- mscon.exe
- msiexc.exe
- msizap.exe
- msupdt32.exe
- mypass.exe
- spsreng.exe
- stub2546.exe
- xtreme.exe
The malware makes the following changes to the registry to ensure that it runs each time you start your computer:
In subkey: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Sets value: "<malware file name>" for example, "456"
With data: "<malware file path>" for example, "C:\Windows\456.exe"
Allows backdoor access and control
Backdoor:Win32/Bezigate.B attempts to communicate with hackers using the following combinations of domains and ports:
- 1604
- abdelsamed666.no-ip.com 5050
- all.evilpacket.org 7709
- barod.no-ip.biz 1515
- ermenello.servegame.com 4781
- fofo-123.no-ip.biz 1515
- hack4ps.no-ip.info 131
- jorlu.sytes.net 645
- m30w.evilpacket.org 7709
- monbebe.no-ip.org 1515
- mrkarar.np-ip.ibz 1515
- network-info.sytes.net 1604
- nikt0x.no-ip.biz 1515
- niku.uk.to 1515
- nnqi.vicp.cc 81
- r0x0r.no-ip.org 1515
- rawr.evilpacket.org 7709
- sorbbolindo.no-ip.biz 1515
- topcumt2.zapto.org 1604
- updupdupd.servepics.com 1604
Once it connects with a hacker, Backdoor:Win32/Bezigate.B allows backdoor access control of your computer, allowing hackers to perform any number of actions, including but not limited to:
- Stealing information about your computer
- Stopping and starting processes
- Creating/removing/copying/moving/modifying files and folders
- Open and close browser windows
- Enumerating/modifying/starting/stopping running services
- Enumerating and modifying the Windows registry
- Logging keystrokes and stealing sensitive information
- Retrieving files from your computer and sending them to the hacker
Analysis by Gabriel Plouffe, Duc Nguyen & Edgardo Diaz Jr
The following could indicate that you have this threat on your PC:
- You have these files:
- 123.exe
- 456.exe
- microdbs.exe
- mscon.exe
- mscon.exe
- msiexc.exe
- msizap.exe
- msupdt32.exe
- mypass.exe
- spsreng.exe
- stub2546.exe
- xtreme.exe
- You see this entry in your registry:
In subkey: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Sets value: "<malware file name>"
With data: "<malware file path>"Last update 18 September 2013