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First posted on 15 February 2019.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

TrojanDownloader:Win32/Dungees.A is also known as TSPY_ZBOT.MIT, Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.qnlf, Troj/Agent-AEIK.

Explanation :

TrojanDownloader:Win32/Dungees.A is a trojan that silently downloads and installs other programs without consent. This could include the installation of additional malware or malware components to an affected computer. Installation TrojanDownloader:Win32/Dungees.A creates the following files on your computer:
c:documents and settingsadministratorlocal settings empsegun.exe Payload Contacts remote host TrojanDownloader:Win32/Dungees.A may contact a remote host at lawottawa.com using port 443. Commonly, malware does this to: Report a new infection to its author Receive configuration or other data Download and run files, including updates or other malware Receive instruction from a remote hacker Upload data taken from your PC
This malware description was produced and published using our automated analysis system's examination of file SHA1 bdcf38a19f32708e309c931ac4e90c6cb6c08a6e.

Last update 15 February 2019