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First posted on 04 February 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan:JS/Agent.FA is also known as Also Known As:Trojan-Downloader.JS.IstBar.ax (Kaspersky), VBS/IstBar (AhnLab), JS/ForcePopup (Authentium (Command)), Trojan.Clicker.CM (BitDefender).

Explanation :

Trojan:JS/Agent.FA is malicious Javascript embedded in a Web page. The Javascript is designed to circumvent popup blocking by security applications.

The presence of one or more popup windows that bypass installed popup blockers may be indicative of a Web page hosting Trojan:JS/Agent.FA.

Trojan:JS/Agent.FA is malicious Javascript embedded in a Web page. The Javascript is designed to circumvent popup blocking by security applications, including popup blockers from Google Toolbar, Internet Explorer, and Norton Internet Security. The malicious popup could allow site redirection which could lead to possible downloading and executing of further malicious files.

Last update 04 February 2009