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First posted on 20 December 2012.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

Trojan:HTML/Redirector.CH is also known as Trojan.HTML.Redirector.AN (Kaspersky), HTML/Redirector.DY (Avira), Trojan.HTML.Redirector.AW (BitDefender), Trojan.HTML.Redirector (Ikarus), Troj/Redir-O (Sophos).

Explanation :


Trojan:HTML/Redirector.CH may be detected on your computer if you visit a malicious HTML webpage.


When you open an Internet browser, Trojan:HTML/Redirector.CH will display the following text in a large font size:

"You are here because one of your friends have invited you. Page loading, please wait...."

The trojan will then redirect you to the following website that masquerades as a CNBC website article, The website has the following naming format:

<maximum of any 8 characters>market<maximum of any 16 characters>online<maximum of any 8 characters>.com/?12/

For example:

  • marketnewsonline10.com
  • marketnewsonline11.com
  • marketnewsnext7online.com

The article may change at any time, depending on the preferences of the malware author. In the wild, it has been known to display the following title:

"Mom Earns $6,795/Month Part-Time"

The article contains numerous references to the following website, which may be an attempt to scam you:


Some samples have also been reported to redirect to google.com.

Analysis by Daniel Chipiristeanu

Last update 20 December 2012