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First posted on 18 June 2007.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Virus:WH/Vred.A.

Explanation :

Vred.A is a proof-of-concept virus for WinHex.

WinHex is a powerful computer forensics, data recovery, and IT security tool.

Vred.A is a proof-of-concept virus that is written in script language, that is used by the powerful computer forensics, data recovery, and IT security tool called WinHex.

Here's a screenshot of the WinHex utility:

The virus contains less than 20 commands that allows it to look for all available .WHS (WinHex script) files and to prepend itself to them. As a result all infected scripts stop working until the virus' code is removed from them.

It should be noted that WinHex shows a warning before running any script, so the virus can not replicate without user's interaction:

Last update 18 June 2007



Malware :
