
Blackberry GSM codes

Posted on 12 September 2011.


The following are codes that you can use on a BlackBerry.

Most require you to hold down the ALT key whilst typing the letters after the + sign (they don't need to be capitals).

IMEI number
Shows your device's international mobile equipment identity (IMEI - your serial number) on-screen.
Type "*#06#" (home screen or call screen.

Home Screen
ALT(left)+Shift(right)+Del - Restart the Blackberry (only for full-keyboard Blackberries)
ALT + JKVV - Display cause of PDP reject
ALT + CAP + H - Displays the Help Me screen
ALT + EACE - Displays the Help Me screen
ALT + ESCR - Displays the Help Me screen
ALT + NMLL - Switches the signal strength from bars to a numeric value.
ALT + LGLG - Displays the Java event log.

Soft reset
Performs a "soft" reset of your device;
Press-and-hold "Alt", then press-and-hold (left) "shift", then press-and-hold "Del".

Hard reset
The first step in troubleshooting a network, software or hardware error is often to perform a hard reset. With Java® based devices, this is accomplished by removing the battery, while the BlackBerry device is powered on. Hold the battery out for about 30 seconds, and replace. The BlackBerry device will reboot.

Note: A hard reset on a C++ based device is accomplished by pressing the Reset button.
Note: To perform a hard reset on a RIM models 850, 857, 950, or 957 device, insert the end of a paperclip inside the small hole on the back of the handheld.

The following should work on some version, but on the blackberry I had they didn't work.

Enterprise Activation (Options->Advanced)
ALT+CNFG - Settings for Enterprise Activation

Address Book
ALT+VALD - Validate the data structure and look for inconsistencies
ALT+RBLD - Force a data structure rebuild

from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT+ required)
RSET - Will prompt to erase & reload for a reload of the Address book from the BES
(n.b. this will wipe all entries, but you can goto SIM Phone Book & copy entries back afterwards)

ALT+RBVS - View web page source code
T - Top of page (in browser)
B - Bottom of page (in browser)
Space - Page down (in browser)
U - Switch between hide/unhide in title bar (in browser)

Open up a Calendar item
ALT+VIEW Inside any Calendar item Show extra info for a Calendar event
(including message ID - handy for BES log troubleshooting)

from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT+ required)
SYNC - Enable Calendar slow sync
RSET - Will prompt for a reload of the calendar from the BES
RCFG - Request BES configuration
SCFG - Send device configuration
DCFG - Get CICAL configuration
SUPD - Enable detailed Cal. report for backup
SUPS - Disable detailed Cal. report for backup
SUPN - Disable Cal. report database
LUID - Enable view by UID
SRSL - Show Reminder status log

ALT+VIEW - For messages, displays the RefId and FolderId for that particular message. For PIM items, displays only the RefId.

Search Application
ALT+ADVM Search Application Enabled Advanced Global Search

WLAN (WLAN wizard screen)
ALT-SMON WLAN - Enable simulated Wizard mode
ALT-SMOF WLAN - Disable simulated Wizard mode

Theme (from theme menu)
ALT+THMN - Change to no theme (B&W)
ALT+THMD - Change to default theme

Date/Time (Date/Time menu - No ALT+ required)
LOLO - Date/Time Show Network time values

SIM Card (Options->Advanced->SIM card - No ALT+ required)
MEPD - Display MEP info
MEP1 - Disable SIM personalization
MEP2 - Disable Network personalization
MEP3 - Disable Network subset personalization
MEP4 - Disable Service provider personalization
MEP5 - Disable Corporate personalization

Status (Options->Status)
BUYR - Data & Voice Usage
TEST - start a device test (Keyboard, GPS, RF, Audio (Handset,headset,bluetooth, Misc)

A or C = phonebook
S = search
F = phone profiles
W or B = browser
H = help
K = locks the keys
L = calendar
V = messages
M = messages folder
R = alarm
T = tasks
U = calculator
I = applications
O = options
P = phone.
D = Memo pad

MYVER - Displays your devices model number and software version.
LD - Displays the local date
LT - Displays the local time
MYSIG - Displays the information you entered in the BlackBerry Options > Owner screen
MYPIN - Displays your devices PIN

Press and hold 'ALT' and left 'CAPS' key then press the 'Return' key. Brings up Language selection list, which you can scroll through and change.



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