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Posted on 14 June 2007
Source : packetstormsecurity.org Link


My Name: Vladiii |
My Country: Romania |
My Site: http://www.rstzone.net |
My Team: I hope to enter in RST-Crew :) |
Contact me: -------- |
Special Shoutz: kw3rln (fluffy_bunny),splo1t, tot_zeu, |
flo_flow_supremacy, mozi2weed, |
& all RST-crew & ZeroHack members |
Vulnerable code: rpm2html 1.6 |
Download it from: http://public.www.planetmirror.com/pub/rpm2html/ |
XSS Vulnerability in search function :)
Details: we can change the query in URL with <script>alert('xss')</script>
and will appear a Message Box with our code :)


vladiii 2007

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