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Posted on 03 May 2007

<?php /** * This module adds a comment file in $gid_dir . $gid . "_" .$phid file * * Each File will have this format if $SEPARATOR=":"; * * title:author:date:email:web:message * * if a message contains " " character, it will be replaced with "<br />" * * The variables receives by the form (POST): * * -> integer $gid the gid of the gallery * -> interger $phid the phid of the image * -> string $tit title of the comment * -> string $author author name * -> string $mail comment authoer email * -> string $web comment author web * -> string $msg comment itself * * @package user */ /** * Includes config file and common functions files */ include('config.php'); include('functions.php'); /** * Logs some information about the person who makes the comment * * This information will be stored in a file whith this format: * * date <Separator> author <separator> IP <separator> Browser * * @global $SEPARATOR used to separate fields * @global $REMOTE_ADDR remote IP * @global $HTTP_USER_AGENT browser string * */ function logger($LOG, $aut) { global $SEPARATOR,$_SERVER; if (($fp=@fopen($LOG,"a+"))==NULL) { return(false); } $fecha=date("M d, Y H:i:s",time()); $linea= $fecha . $SEPARATOR . $aut . $SEPARATOR . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $SEPARATOR . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //Debug Lines //echo "<br /> linea logger: " . $linea; fputs($fp, $linea . " "); fclose($fp); } //end log // ############################ MAIN PROGRAM ################# $gid=$_GET['gid']; $phid=$_GET['phid']; $tit=$_POST['tit']; $aut=$_POST['aut']; $mail=$_POST['mail']; $web=$_POST['web']; $msg=$_POST['msg']; //Check arguments in form. gid and phid are required. if (!is_int((int)$gid) || !is_int((int)$phid)) { error(_y("Incorrect add comment form")); } //Now check required arguments $error=false; if ( ((!isset($tit))||(strlen($tit)==0))&&$REQ_IN_COMMENTS['title'] ){ template('face_begin'); warning(_y("Title field required")); $error=true; } if ( ((!isset($aut))||(strlen($aut)==0))&&$REQ_IN_COMMENTS['author'] ){ if (!error) template('face_begin'); warning(_y("Author field required")); $error=true; } if ( ((!isset($mail))||(strlen($mail)==0))&&$REQ_IN_COMMENTS['email'] ){ if (!error) template('face_begin'); warning(_y("Email field required")); $error=true; } if ( ((!isset($web))||(strlen($web)==0))&&$REQ_IN_COMMENTS['web'] ){ if (!error) template('face_begin'); warning(_y("Website field required")); $error=true; } if ( ((!isset($msg))||(strlen($msg)==0))&&$REQ_IN_COMMENTS['comment'] ){ if (!error) template('face_begin'); warning(_y("Comment field required")); $error=true; } if($error){ error(_y("Some required fields were not filled in.")); } if (!($dir=get_data($GID_DIRS, $gid))) error("Gallery does not exist."); $gid_dir= $BASE_DIR . $dir; $comments_file= $gid_dir . $gid . "_" . intval($phid); if(!($fp=@fopen($comments_file,"a+"))) error ("Comment file error."); //We add the date to post. $_POST['date']=date("M d, Y H:i:s",time()); $linea=construct_comment_line($_POST); if (filesize($comments_file)==0) { fputs($fp,$linea); } else { fputs($fp," " . $linea); } // echo $linea . "<br />";//debug Line fclose($fp); logger ($SECURE_DIR . "messages.log", $aut); //Stats add_listed_visit($gid_dir . $PHID_COMMENTS, $phid); //Prepare variables to Show Message $D_TITLE=htmlspecialchars($tit); $D_AUTHOR=htmlspecialchars($aut);; $D_MAIL=htmlspecialchars($mail);; $D_WEB=htmlspecialchars($web); $D_MESSAGE=htmlspecialchars($msg); $D_REFRESH_URL="view.php?gid=$gid&phid=$phid"; $I_THANKS=_y("Thank you for your contribution"); $I_ADDED=_y('Added this comment'); $I_TITLE=_y('Title'); $I_AUTHOR=_y('Author'); $I_EMAIL=_y('Email'); $I_WEB=_y('Website'); $I_MESSAGE=_y('Comment'); $I_IF_NOT_REFRESHED=_y('If the page is not automatically refreshed.'); $I_PRESS_HERE=_y('Press here'); include ($TEMPLATE_DIR . "thanks_comment.php"); $I_GALLERY=_y("Gallery"); include($gid_dir . $GID_INFO_FILE); $D_GALLERY=$gid_info['title']; $D_LINK= $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $D_UA=$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; $D_IP=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; //this file contains $mail_content variable. include($TEMPLATE_DIR . "mail_comment.php"); $subject=_y('[Yapig comment] ') . $tit; //Mail content if possible if ($MAIL_ON_COMMENT && ($ADMIN_EMAIL!=$DEFAULT_EMAIL)) { if (is_array($ADMIN_EMAIL)) { foreach ($ADMIN_EMAIL as $email) $to.= $email. ','; } else $to=$ADMIN_EMAIL; mail($to,$subject, $mail_contents); //echo "<h1>Mail Sent! $to</h1>"; //Debug Line } ?>